What are the 3 most efficient ways to prevent contracting Covid-19?
What is...
frequent hand-washing, social distancing, wear face mask
(WHO, 2020).
True or False:
Drinking methanol or ethanol prevents or cures Covid-19
What is
False. Methanol, ethanol, bleach are poisons and can be fatal if ingested. (WHO, 2020)
What are the high risk population groups?
What is....
Over 60
Low social economic status
Frontline or essential worker
What is the recommended distance for social distancing?
What is...
6 feet (CDC, 2020).
What is an activity that is considered low risk and complies with social distancing guidelines?
What is...
outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, walking, running, parks, golfing, kayaking, picnics, camping, drive-in movies and more (CDC, 2020).
How long are you supposed to wash your hands in order for it to be effective?
What is...
20 seconds (WHO, 2020).
True or false
Can Covid-19 be cured by eating garlic?
What is..False, Even though garlic is a healthy food that has antimicrobial properties, there is no evidence that can cured coronavirus.
True or False:
If I test positive for COVID-19, I must go directly to the hospital.
What is...
False! You do not need to go to the hospital unless you are experiencing severe symptoms that require emergent care (WHO, 2020).
How many days should someone quarantine after a potential exposure?
What is...
14 days (CDC, 2020; WHO, 2020).
(800) 273-8255
What is...The National Suicide Prevention hotline
How is Covid-19 transmitted?
What is....
Airborne (Sun et al., 2020).
True or False
Do antibiotics work against coronavirus?
What is
False, antibiotics does not work to treat a virus
What comorbidities are most likely to increase the severity of illness?
What is...
Diabetes Mellitus
(WHO, 2020)
True or false:
If I am outdoors, I do not need to wear a mask or stand at least 6 feet away from other people.
What is...
False. You should wear a mask if you standing less than 6 feet away from someone, even if you are outdoors (WHO, 2020).
What is the correct order of donning proper PPE for Covid-19?
gown --> mask --> face shield --> gloves
True or False
Can Misinformation be detrimental to our well-being?
What is
True- Misinformation can turn out to be quite harmful. Who (2020)
Hand sanitizer should contain what amount of alcohol to be most effective?
What is...60% (CDC, 2020)
What is the correct order of doffing PPE for Covid-19?
What is...
face shield --> gown with gloves --> mask
What are two reliable sources for up to date information on Covid-19?
What is...the CDC website and WHO website
COVID-19 disease/symptom progression has been linked and compared to this respiratory syndrome.
What is...
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (CDC, 2020).
What are 4 symptoms a patient infected with Covid-19 may experience?
What is...
Fever, dry cough, nausea, loss of appetite, loss of sense of smell and taste, headache, shortness of breath, chills, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, diarrhea, etc. (WHO, 2020).