Lunches & After School Activities
What If.
Sanitizing Requirements
Remote Wednesdays

Considered part of the dress code the wearing of these articles are required.

What is PPE and Face Masks.

The wearing of PPE and face masks is addressed in the learner/parent handbook. These items are considered part of the dress code, and a procedure for addressing learner non-compliance is contained in that handbook.


True or False:

Social Distancing is NOT required during lunch.

False.  According to the handbook:

Social distancing is required during lunch times. Lunch tables will be set up for this purpose.


What if  I want to use a locker room?

Who is allowed to utilize locker rooms and what can be stowed there?

Athletic bags and athletic items must be stowed in the locker room. Only those learners participating in an athletic activity on that day may store items in the locker rooms. Locker rooms will only be open from 7:15-7:30 and from 2:15-2:45 daily, unless otherwise supervised by a coach or other adult. At all other times, the locker rooms will be locked.


Includes PPE and sanitizing materials for classroom use. Such items are safe for use by learners and teachers alike. Classroom teachers should establish their own patterns of sanitation throughout the day. The following guidelines are designed to lay a foundation for this to occur.

What is a Covid Kit.


Name  3 of 5 requirements for learners on Remote Wednesdays.

Every Wednesday, learners will:

  1. Check their email and communicate with their teachers

  2. Log into each Google Classroom and complete the tasks assigned for that day

  3. Meet with their mentor teacher

  4. Meet with their teachers for additional support if needed (teachers will share information about how to sign up for appointments)

  5. Attend other meetings as assigned (such as with school counselor, administration, academic anchors, etc.)


True or False:

Disciplinary Action will be taken for refusal/non-compliance of PPE and mask wearing.



Fill in the blank:

Lunches will take place in ___________ and _____________ located next to the cafeteria.

Lunches will take place in the school cafeteria and outdoor seating area located next to the cafeteria.


What  if a learner suspects or shares a concern of risk of COVID exposure or illness?

  1. The learner will place a surgical mask over their mask.

  2. Teacher will consult with the nurse discreetly and follow the nurse’s directions.

  3. If sent to the health office or isolation room, the learner will take belongings with them.

  4. Sanitization will take place.

No learner may be sent to the nurse’s office without first calling to discuss the need with the nurse first except where written plans exist that allow for such visits to occur. 

  1. Learners must be expected to sanitize cupboard handles, counters, etc. that they encounter that are not at their normal seating area. 

  2. Classroom norms must require hand sanitization to occur every time a learner leaves their desk area prior to returning to their desk area.

What is the Sanitizing that must be done during class.


Remote learners are expected to attend class at the time assigned on their class schedule. Teachers are expected to provide at least 45 minutes of direct interaction/instruction with their remote classes during that time period. In addition, when learners are working on tasks for class during a remote class period, the teacher and learners are expected to remain signed onto the remote platform utilized for meetings (Meet or Zoom) for the duration of the time period to ensure accountability for learners and accessibility of the teacher for the learners.

What are the expectations for learners who choose remote learning?


Learners and staff do not need to wear face masks when outdoors provide the following condition is met.

 At a minimum, all learners and all staff must wear face masks at all times while indoors, and whenever 6 feet distance cannot be maintained out of doors.


True or False:

Compass learners may continue to eat in the Compass Classroom but must maintain social distance by eating at their assigned table.

True.  Key here is to maintain the 6 feet social distance required.  


Located off the cafeteria in last year's Assist Program classroom.

COVID quarantine room.    

  1. Learners will sanitize their desks at the conclusion of class using the items supplied.

  2. Learners must be expected and reminded to sanitize their hands on the way out of the classroom.

  3. Before stepping into the hallway for supervision when their room is dismissed, teachers must sanitize their door handles, teacher desk, and other common surfaces. If an associate or other adult was present in the preceding class period, that associate must sanitize to allow the teacher to immediately supervise the hallway.

What is  the Sanitizing that must be done at the end of each class.


Paper copies for remote learning will only be approved:

  1. In scenarios when the entire school has switched to remote learning, and;

  2.  where internet connectivity is the reason for the request. 

In such instances, the parent/guardian will meet with the learner’s teachers, school counselor, and administration to complete a Paper Copy for Remote Learning Application. 

What is the requirement for allowing hard copies or paper copies for students who choose remote learning?


True or False:

A learner can wear  face shield instead of a mask

False:   Learners and teachers can wear face shields however a mask is also required.


True or False:

A mask is not mandatory if a person is maintaining 6 foot social distance 

False.    All learners and teachers/staff are required to wear their masks.  Learners may request a mask break.   


What if I want to bring these things to school?  

Cups, plates, crock-pots, Microwaves, Refrigerators, Coffee pots, pancake makers, egg makers, grill cheese sandwich makers

Unicorn noodle creatures, puzzles, games.

What are items that are no longer allowed to be used in classrooms that do not contain a sink for clean up.

BUT keeping personal tactile materials to yourself on your desk will be allowed.  No sharing.


Learners will be able to drop their masks  from covering their mouth and nose for breaths of fresh air, while not coughing, sneezing or spraying droplets. Teachers are strongly encouraged to provide a short mask break (5 minutes or less) when more than 6 feet can be maintained and talking is not occurring. Examples may include journaling, reading, silent assessments, practice, etc.

What is called an acceptable Mask Break


True or False:

 Learners opting for remote learning in place of in-person learning will not be approved for paper copies.


This may be confusing.  If a learner chooses remote instead of face to face learning then no paper copies of assignments will be provided.

However, if the school must switch to remote learning for all,  paper copies will be provided upon completion of the request form.


__________  must be worn during timeswhen working in partner or when social distancing cannot take place (Labs, builders, construction work on greenhouses).

What are Goggles!


We will no longer be able to snack or consume food in Compass or any other classroom.

Food consumption may only occur at designated areas that are at least 6 feet away from other individuals. Teachers who allow for snacking in their classrooms are encouraged to identify a “snack zone,” however, they may also allow learners to consume food at their desks. Regardless of where snacks are consumed, teachers must ensure learners appropriately sanitize the space when snacking has concluded.

  1. Supplies essential to success in class (binders, pencils, etc.)

  2. Books for the classes they have on that school day

  3. Snacks/lunch items/approved beverages

  4. Chromebook

  5. Cellphone

Items that can be brought into the classroom - respecting the need to maintain adequate space.  

  1. Eliminate the use of laminated or multi-use passes (such as bathroom passes, etc.) and instead use single-use pass systems

  2. Restrict access to supplies to ensure supplies are:

    1. Used only by 1 learner OR

    2. Sanitized between use

  3. Eliminate paper items wherever possible to minimize contact between individuals and accumulation of paper items within the classroom

  4. To minimize movement, do not have learners pass out supplies, papers, etc. Teachers should have these items available for pickup upon entry to the classroom or on a surface that learners pass when going to their seats. If this type of system does not work, teachers should devise a passing out system that limits learner-to-learner contact.

What are the actions teachers must take in order to provide a Covid Safe Classroom environment


VLACS courses may be taken for any course this year by remote learners.

School board and JRMS/CHS policy do not allow for VLACS options to replace courses offered at our school in most circumstances. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, for the 2020-2021 school year only, in instances where JRMS/CHS offers a class that is not available for a remote learner’s schedule needs, VLACS will be allowed for that learner if appropriate and with administrative approval.
