CIQ OB Script
CTMS Procedure
Day in the Life of a CIQ OB Tracer
CTMS Queues

These are the two ways we are able to send the C&P form. 

What are via TM and email?


This is the title of your Regular CIQ calls. 

What is CIQ OB?


This is the name of the website where we log/authorize our hours.

What is Dayforce?


This is the name of the "queue" from which we accept CIQ OB cases.

What is Omni Channel?


This is the name of the site where we generate the 6 digit code.

What is NEDSS?


This is the minimum age a case must be to have the COVID alert PA Smartphone App. 

What is 13? 


This is the name of the place from which we accept our regular CIQ OB calls.

What is OMNI channel?


This is the channel where we can go to take a breather after a particularly difficult call.

What is "Watercooler?"


This is the name of the queue that a successful call would automatically go to immediately after you finish the workflow. 

What is Staging Queue?


This is the total number of attempts CIQ OB tracers will make to reach a case.

What is 3 attempts?


If we are speaking to a P/LG about their minor child who is a case, we direct them to reach out to this place if their child has been here anytime between your call and 2 days prior to the case's symptom onset/positive test collection date. 

What is a k-12 or daycare setting?


This field is where we indicate in the tracker if there is a household. 

What is "How many investigations were completed?"


This is the channel where you post if you are heading to lunch.

What is "Check-in Check-Out?"


If a case refuses to verify their information and you finish the workflow appropriately, the file will go to this queue.

What is the Archive Queue?


Under normal circumstances, Voicemails should be left on these call attempts for regular CIQ OB calls.

What are attempts 1 and 3?


If a case CANNOT mask, this is the minimum amount of days they would have to isolate. 

What is 10 days?


This is the name of the queue where cases will go after the third unsuccessful CIQ OB attempt.

What is the archive queue? 


If I react to your posted duplicate with the :O emoji, it means I will need to do this. 

What is send to DOH to be merged?


If you escalate a case as a TLO by selecting the appropriate call outcome in the workflow, the case will automatically enter this queue. 

What is PADOH supervisor?


This is the name of the amount of time each tracer is given each morning to start up their computer and log in to AWS.

What is the 15 minute grace period? 


When speaking to Healthcare professionals, these two questions are asked directly following symptom review. 

What are "Has a doctor referred to you as immunocompromised?" and "Has a doctor referred to you being moderately or severely ill with COVID-19?"


This field is ONLY to be used by the IB tracers. 

What is call reason?


In which channel can you find the list of TrainPA courses, as well as an updated list of Brainier courses?

What is "Resources?"


This is the queue where cases who have successfully returned their C&P form will go for a tracer to review the returned C&P. 

What is Data Entry Queue?


If the case you are calling about is Hospitalized, this is the correct call outcome you would select in the workflow so the case will properly close out.

What is Refused?
