This cow originated from north America, and is a very popular breed because of its appearance, this cow is also a very hardy breed with high fertility rates.
Answer: Texas longhorn.
Are meat and milk By-products from cows?
Answer: Yes.
Which two cows are known for their good marbling?
a. Angus
b. Charolais
c. Dexter mini cows
d. Wagyu
e. Texas longhorns
a. Angus
d. Wagyu
True or false? Cow meat has the largest demand in America.
Answer: False.
The broiler chicken meat is at the highest demand in America.
The Brangus, developed from Brahman and Angus stocks, is notable for its resistance to heat
Brangus Cow
These cows originate from England and are known for their red coats with white faces, these cows are also very efficient feeders.
Answer: Hereford
Which one of the following is an everyday item that is a by-product of cows?
a. Shampoo
b. leather
c. gelatin
d. all of the above.
Answer: d. all of the above
How much beef consumption take place in America? (closest answer wins.)
Answer: 30 Billion pounds.
True or false There is a high demand on meat
They demonstrate high fertility, a good milking ability, high conception rates and ease of calving.
Limousine Cow
This cow originates in northeastern Scottland and is well known for its "beefy" build and its fat marbling in its meat.
Answer: Angus cows
Which one is a by-product
A. Tomatoes
B. Yogurt
C. Soap
How much meat do we produce each year?
(closest guess wins)
2.5 billion pounds of meat
True or false angus originated in Switzerland
distinctive color markings and outstanding milk production
Holstein cow
This cow originates from Switzerland and is well known for its red to black coat with often creme spotting, these cows are good mothers and are known as the "oldest" breed of cows.
Answer: Simmentals
Approximately what is the value of by-products per head? (in money)
Answer: $165/head
Approximately how much of the cow's carcass do we use? (In pounds)
closest answer wins.
Answer: Between 430-600 pounds.
True or False? There are around 450 different cow breeds.
Answer: True.
efficient, hardy and productive animal, which produces superior beef
Hereford Cow
These cows originate from France and are known for their creme and white coat, they are also good mothers and are known for their good meat production.
Answer: Charolais
Is leather a by product from cows?
answer: Yes.
Name all three different beef gradings. (based on the amount of fat that is located in the meat.)
Answer: Select beef, Standard beef, and Choice beef.
True or false? The wagyu cow breed is the most expensive cow breed that you can buy.
Answer: True
a breed of cattle known widely for its marbling, consistency, and juicy flavors.
Angus Cow