
What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act do?

Say Kansas and Nebraska should decide to be free or slave states using popular sovereignty


Define Secede

To legally break away from a country and form a new country


Define Abolitionist

A person who fights to end slavery


How did the Cotton Gin impact slavery in the US?

It made cotton more profitable, which made slavery increase because there was more money to be made from it


What did the Missouri Compromise say?

When making future states, states above the 36-30 parallel on a map will ban slavery, states below the 36-30 line will have slavery


Explain at least 2 different specific arguments that abolitionists made against slavery

Slavery was evil from a moral / religious perspective

Slavery makes the US hypocrites because of the Declaration of Independence, 4th of July, Constitution, etc. 

Slavery is not self government because it removes enslaved peoples' right to self government 



Name one abolitionist we learned about who aided the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

Frederick Douglass


What exact year did the first ship of enslaved Africans arrive in the US?



Name at least 2 specific parts of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

Fined officials up to $1,000 for not enforcing the act

Paid judges more for a guilty verdict than an innocent one

Banned fugitive enslaved people from testifying or having a lawyer


What is popular sovereignty?

The idea that people living in territories should vote about whether they become free states or slave states


What is the Underground Railroad? Be as specific as possible

A network of secret safe houses used to help transport and hide fugitive enslaved people as they ran to freedom


Using at least 4 specific details, what was life like for enslaved people on plantations?

Answers vary. Key ideas:

-work 12-15 hours/day, 6 days/week, mostly in the fields growing cash crops. 

-severe physical punishments (especially whipping) common, usually designed to hurt but not kill 

-families separated, live in communal wooden houses with many non-family members

-sexual assault common 


What are 2 things the Constitution said about slavery?

3/5 Compromise - enslaved people count as 3/5 of a person when counting the population 

Slave trade must stay legal until at least 1808

Fugitive enslaved people must be captured and returned

Original constitution never mentions slavery by name 


What is the name of the journey of ships from Africa to the US AND describe this journey using at least 3 specific details

The Middle Passage

Ships were overcrowded. Enslaved people were forced to eat, food was low quality and there was not enough of it. Physical punishment was common. People often died from hunger and diseases on the ships. Rarely if ever saw the sun. 6 month journey.

Describe the Pottawatomie Massacre with at least 3 details

As a reaction both to the Sacking of Lawrence and to the caning of Charles Sumner, John Brown led a massacre in Kansas 

Killed 5 pro-slavery settlers 

In the next 3 months, retaliatory raids resulted in 29 deaths


What is the Triangle Trade and what good were sold in each part of the journey?

Trade in the shape of a triangle between US, Europe, and Africa. Ships got manufactured goods in Europe, sold them in Africa, and got enslaved people in return. They sold these people to the Americans where they got raw materials in return, which could be used to make manufactured goods.


What are the 4 parts of the Compromise of 1850

1. No slave trade in DC

2. California gets to be a free state

3. Other territories won in Mexican-American War pick if they are slave states by popular sovereignty

4. Make fugitive slave laws more strict


What are 2 specific decisions made in the Dred Scott Decision

Scott was not free

Black people (free or enslaved) could not be citizens of the US and therefore cannot sue in court, vote, etc.

Missouri Compromise is unconstitutional

Congress cannot regulate slavery

Black people have "no rights which the white man is bound to respect" in the US


What occurred at Harper's Ferry?

1859 John Brown tried to start a mass slave-revolt by taking over the US arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia

Planned to take the group south, freeing enslaved people of every state as they went

Successfully took over the arsenal for several hours but ultimately lost. Of the 22 people involved, 17 were killed and 5 escaped


Who was Anthony Burns and how did he change Massachusetts?

Last fugitive enslaved person captured in MA and sent back to slavery - people of MA rioted to try and save him, passed personal liberty laws afterwards to help protect fugitive enslaved people
