(p. 126/5) Behavioral models of resistance state that client resistance is simply
(p. 152/125) Multimodal Therapy was developed by
Arnold Lazarus
(p. x/22) Group member’s goals are generally
(p. 181/7) This person is known for founding one of the 1st psychological labs to conduct experimental research
William Wundt
(p. 221/8) A construct, such as a treatment group, that can be manipulated in a study is most often referred to as
An independent variable
(p. 127/13) A counselor completely reliant on a colleague’s expertise to help her move forward regarding a client represents this consultation model
(p. 8/23) Under this law a 3 yo who is suspected of having a disability is guaranteed to rcv testing at the expense of the PSS.
(p. x/14) In group work, confidentiality is the ethical requirement of
The counselor (not the group members)
(p. x/15) This type of test does not compare an individual score to a norm group but relies on the judgment of the professional counselor to interpret data
Non standardized test
(p. 220/16) “Whereas 1M white swans can indicate that all swans are white, one brown swan can falsify it.” This description refers to
The post-positivism paradigm
(p. 129/21) Observing client’s verbal & nonverbal communication & verbally conveying empathy & understanding of client’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all important elements of
(p. 231/32) You learn a client has begun to see another Tr. According to ACA ethical code you should
Ask the client for permission to contact the other professional to est a collaborative relationship
(p. 161/6) The need to obtain parental consent
Belief by staff members that group work is not as effective as other activities
The lack of appropriate facilities are all what type of barriers to group work
(p. 186/31) If a PC would like to read critical test rvws of the Beck Depression Inventory, the PC would be most interested in the publication known as
Mental Measurements Yearbook
(p. 230/24) In a quasi-experimental design researchers compared students’ scores under curriculum A w/ a matched comparison group and found
better achievement for Curriculum A
(p. 131/29) Freud contend that each individual possesses these types of minds
(___conscious, conscious, __conscious)
Preconscious, conscious, unconscious
p. 154 This ego state of transactional analysis is characterized by rational thought and the absence of emotion
adult ego state
(p. 163/30) A psychotherapy group is primarily
(p. 191/39) Speed tests yield Spuriously high reliability coefficients because nearly every test-taker gets nearly every item (correct/incorrect)
(p. 224/40) Cluster sampling is a sampling technique that involves identifying _____, ____ subgroups and not ______ participants
convenient, existing;
(p. 132/37) At the core of individual psychology is the concept of ___ interest
Social interest
(p. 154/133) name the counseling theory that states people operate from 3 common ego states (parent, adult, child)
Transactional analysis
(p. 164/38) According to Kurt Lewin, Theory Z refers to
Laissez-faire leadership style
(p. 188/47) Validity refers to how accurate an instrument measures
a given construct
(p. 224/48) The degree to which extraneous variables may be controlled (to accurately measure the relationship bt Independent Variable and Dependent Variable) refers to
Internal validity