In reading and use of English part one (multiple choice), what do you have to keep in mind when choosing the right option?
collocations, connotations, grammar (what precedes and what follows the missing word).
Which strategies can help you to succeed in listening parts 1 and 3 (multiple choice)?
- underline key words in the questions and answer options
- eliminate the wrong answers
How many main points are you supposed to identify in the two input texts?
4 (2 in each)
Which criteria are used for assessment of the speaking paper?
grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, discourse management, interactive communication, global achievement
In reading and use of English part 4 (key word transformation), what aspects of the language can you expect to be checked?
advanced grammar, idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations.
In listening part 2 you need to complete the summary with:
a. words that fit the gap in terms of the meaning
b. exact words you hear the speaker use
What is the most common problem when doing writing part 1 and how can it be resolved?
writing too many words.
make the summary shorter.
In speaking part 2 (a collaborative task) you are given:
a. a questions
b. visual prompts
c. both
What's the best strategy NOT to get distracted when doing reading and use of English part 5 (multiple-choice questions to a text)?
read the questions first, find the answers in the text, then read the answer options and match what you've found with them.
In listening Part 4, how many tasks do you have to do at the same time?
How many stages are there in speaking part 2 (collaborative task) and what are they?
2 stages, the first one lasting 1 minute where both candidates focus on 1-2 pictures from the set.
The second stage lasts 3 minutes and involves a cooperative task and all the pictures from the set.
In reading and use of English part 6 (gapped text), what kind of information should help you complete the task?
reference words, linkers, general cohesion and coherence.
How can you prepare yourself for listening part 4 before the exam?
listen to short extracts and practice summarizing them in 1 phrase
Name the 4 possible writing types you have to choose from in writing part 2.
article, letter, review, report
In speaking part 3 (long turn) how long are you supposed to speak for? What does the other candidate do in this part?
2 minutes. The other candidate has to listen and then answer a follow-up question.