Sets the stage for a positive classroom culture
What is Calm and Consistent Behavior?
A behavior and response plan will improve this.
What is relationships with students
"You get more of the _______ you notice the most."
What is behavior?
Scripted inventions are used for "this".
What is behaviors you commonly deal with?
Restorative approaches help create this.
What is a classroom culture where students:
- Feel safe
- Feel listened to
- Can begin to self-reflect and self-regulate
Consistent responses allow you this.
What is exercise emotional control?
Classroom expectations should align with this.
What is school rules?
Treat each day as a _______ ________ for students and adults
New Chance
Scripted interventions ______, _______, and _______ improve relationships with students.
What is build, protect, and actively?
List two classroom culture tips for having restorative conversations
What is:
- Enough time
- Quiet, private place
- One person at a time
- Follow routine
- Focus conversation on behavior and impacts
- Time to prepare response
- Share positive experience
Benefits to consistent classroom practice
- Builds trusts
- Builds emotional currency
- Allows students to focus on learning
- Provides predictability
- Decreases anxiety
A well-written and well-implemented "this" will cause students to be more likely to follow rules and meet expectations.
What is "Sustainable Routines"?
Three types of Praise
What is:
- Directed praise
- Wallpaper praise
- Reflect praise
- Personal praise
- Contextual praise
Student behavior is affected by:
What is:
- Adult self-awareness
- Role-modeling
- Positive adult behavior
- Positive expectations
"A child needs your _________ most when he _________ it least."
love; deserves
Your attitude and behavior causes this.
What is Your student's attitude and behavior?
"The secret of your success is found in your _________ __________."
What is daily routine?
To avoid labeling students as "bad" or "good", you need this.
What is ways to call positive attention to everyone?
Remaining consistent and calm and connecting with students builds this.
What is "Emotional Currency"?
Negotiating differences, Trusting, Encouraging.
What is "Caring Habits"?
"To handle yourself, use your _____; to handle others, use your _________."
head, heart
Three things you can do when teaching a routine.
What is:
- Explain why it is important
- Explain exactly what is expected
- State routine, positively
- Display with icons or visuals
- Incorporate student feedback
- Use modeling
- Have student practice
- Use positive reinforcements
- Repeat until the routine is sustainable
When applying effective types of praise, you will need to think of "this".
What is "how it will be received by students"?
Passive, Assertive, Aggressive
What is the three response styles?
Spell the full name of our school.
Procter R. Hug High School