Protocol Review
Important Dates

IACUC review of proposals that involve animals is based on criteria established in what two documents?

PHS Policy and the Animal Welfare Regulations (AWR). PHS policy further requires that the provisions of the Guide apply


Define IACUC

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee


Formal establishment of Animal Care Panel



True or False: Farm animals used for improving animal nutrition, breeding, management, production efficiency, or the quality of food and fiber are specifically excluded from the definition of animal in the AWA.



True or False: Federal regulations require that IACUC's determine that discomfort to animals be limited to that which is unavoidable for the conduct of valuable research

True and that unrelieved pain and/ or distress be limited to the amount of time needed to accomplish the scientific objectives.


True or False: A protocol reviewed by the full committee review process must receive the approval of at least three people on the committee.

False. For a protocol to be approved by the full committee, a majority of the quorum present must approve the protocol.


Define RDT&E 

Research, development, test, and evaluation (DoD)


Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) established



The PHS policy applies to _______________________________________________.

Vertebrates used for research, research training and biological testing, funded by the PHS


Which of the statements below about the responsibility and authority of the Institutional Official (IO) is false?
A. The IO must have authority to commit institutional resources in support of the animal care and use program.
B. The IO must be the institution's Chief Executive Officer or some appointed by him with authority to fund resources.
C. The IO may reinstate an animal activity that was previously suspended by the IACUC.
D. The IO may suspend an animal activity that was previously approved by the IACUC.

C. The IO may reinstate an animal activity that was previously suspended by the IACUC.


True or False: PHS policy and AWR require that IACUC meeting minutes reflect committee deliberations



Define ACLAM 

American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine


US Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals used in Testing, Research, and Training promulgated



According to the Animal Welfare Act Regulations of the USDA, when conducting a semi-annual evaluation, the IACUC must conduct the evaluation:
A. With at least 1 IACUC member and allow participation by any member who wishes to do so.
B. With at least 2 IACUC members and allow participation by any member who wishes to do so.
C. With a majority of IACUC members present, including the non-affiliated member.
D. With all IACUC members present.

B. With at least 2 IACUC members and allow participation by any member who wishes to do so.


The AWR and PHS policy require appropriate consideration of alternatives to procedures that can cause more than slight or momentary pain or distress in animals. Alternatives are framed within the contest of the 3R's. What are the 3 R's?

Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement


True or False: An investigator that is also an IACUC member can be counted in a quorum of IACUC committee members that is voting on the investigators own protocol.

False: An investigator/IACUC member can not contribute to a quorum that is voting on the investigators own protocol.


Define animal per DoD.  

Any living or dead vertebrate animal, including birds, cold blooded animals, rats, mice. With respect to avians and other egg laying vertebrate species, their offspring are considered animals only after hatching. With respect to fish, amphibians, their larval offspring are considered animals.
"Dead" is defined as animals killed for the direct purpose of conducting RDT&E. This does not include dead animals or parts of dead animals purchased at grocery stores or slaughterhouses.

DoD Instruction 3216.01


Health Research Extension Act (HREA) (P.L.99-158) passed by Congress



Which agency requires an annual report of the number of animals used by pain/distress category?
A. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
B. Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
C. Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
D. United States Department of Agriculture

D. United States Department of Agriculture  


True or False: Decompression and use of dry ice-generated CO2 are acceptable methods of euthanasia according to the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia.

False. These are unacceptable methods


True or False: Designated review requires that all members of the IACUC have an opportunity to request full committee review of any protocol.



What is the best definition of a laboratory animal as defined by the Guide?

Any invertebrate animal produced for or used in research, testing, or teaching.

Any warm-blooded animal produced for or used in research, testing, or teaching.

Any animal produced for or used in research, testing, or teaching.

Any vertebrate animal produced for or used in research, testing, or teaching.

Any vertebrate animal produced for or used in research, testing, or teaching.

AALAS: Guide


Formal establishment of Animal Care Panel



USDA Regulations require the following IACUC members:
1. Veterinarian, chair, nonaffiliated
2. Veterinarian, chair, scientist
3. Veterinarian, nonaffiliated, scientist
4. Veterinarian, nonaffiliated, nonscientist  

1. Veterinarian, chair, nonaffiliated


With regard to conducting official IACUC business, the definition of a quorum is:
A. More than fifty percent (a majority) of voting members.
B. Fifty percent of voting and non-voting members combined.
C. More than fifty percent (a majority) of voting and non-voting members combined.
D. Fifty percent of the voting members.

A. More than fifty percent (a majority) of voting members
