Attitudes or stereotypes that we know we have and may use on purpose to in our actions and decisions
Bias, Explicit or Conscious
Everyone having the same treatment without accounting for differing needs or circumstances.
An idea or opinion that is not based on fact, logic, or actual experience. Prejudice may be formed by a person’s previous experience, learning, and observations.
Inequitable treatment of an individual or group based on their actual or perceived membership in a specific group.
Intentionally designed, active, and ongoing engagement with people that ensures opportunities and pathways for participation in all aspects of group, organization, or community, including decision-making processes.
Characteristics attributed to an individual or group based on generalization, over simplification, or exaggeration that may result in stigmatization and discrimination.
A set of values, beliefs, customs, norms, perceptions, and experiences shared by a group of people. An individual may identify with or belong to many different cultural groups.
It has a focus on eliminating barriers that have prevented the full participation of historically and currently oppressed groups.
A social construct that divides people into smaller social groups based on characteristics most typically skin color.
Attitudes or stereotypes that impact our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner
Bias, Implicit/Unconscious
An individual is not _____ – a person is unique.
Any unearned benefit, position, power, right, or advantage one receives in society because of their identity.
What the category titles have in common.
Indigenous peoples of the US
A framework that takes into account people’s overlapping identities to understand the complexity of their life outcomes and experiences,
A political, economic, and cultural system in which white people are believed to be the normal, better, smarter, and holier race over all other races.
White Supremacy