What phone number should you generally call for emergencies?
How many chest compression are there in one CPR set?
What does AED stand for?
Automated External Defibrillator
You should always disinfect a cut or wound with water or alcohol. True or False.
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What do the 3 C's stand for?
Check, Call, Care
How many fingers should you use on an infant for CPR?
2 Fingers
Should you still perform use an AED while someone else is doing CPR or something else?
Yes, Unless the AED says "Stand clear" or something similar.
Why should you always use PPE when treating cuts or wounds?
To make sure you don't get infected or injured while caring
What does ABC stand for in a first aid context?
Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
What is the first thing to do if someone is unconscious?
Check for responsiveness and breathing
How deep should chest compressions be for an adult?
About 2 inches deep
You can use any size pads for children and adults. True or False.
What are common signs that a wound may be infected?
Redness, increase pain, discharge, swelling,
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
When should you stop caring for a person?
1. If the scene becomes unsafe
2. If someone else takes over
3. You become unable to do so
How many chest compressions should you give per minute?
100-120 compressions
How do you know if you need to use an AED?
If the victim is unresponsive or not breathing correctly or not breathing at all
When should you use a tourniquet?
Severe or constant bleeding
What does ACT stand for in first aid?
Assess, Call, Treat
What is the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest?
A heart attack is blocked blood flow to the heart and cardiac arrest is when the heart stops beating completely.
When should you stop CPR?
1. When the person starts breathing
2. Medical help arrives
3. you are too tired to continue
Where on an infant should you place AED pads?
On the chest and on the upper back
When should you not apply pressure to a cut or wound?
When the injury is very minor or when its an object that is impaled
What does S.A.M.P.L.E stand for?
Signs and symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past medical history, Last oral intake, Events leading up to the insistent