Sudden Illness
Infant CPR
Adult CPR
How do you care for someone who has suddenly fallen ill?

- Monitor the person’s breathing and level of consciousness.

- Help the person rest in the most comfortable position.

- Keep the person from getting chilled or overheated.

- Reassure the person that you will help and that EMS personnel have been called (if appropriate).


What foods cause children or people to choke the easiest?

Nuts, seeds, hot dogs, sausages, cheese, chunks of fruit (such as apples) and whole grapes, raw vegetables (such as carrots and celery), popcorn, peanut butter


How deep are compressions on an infant?

1 1/2 


When should you use the pediatric pads?

children and infants up to 8 years of age or weighing less than 55 pounds


Where should you place someone while giving them CPR?

On a flat, firm, safe, surface.


What are signs of a sudden illness?

-trouble breathing

-pain in the chest or a headache

-nausea or vomiting


How can you tell if someone is choking?

They normally look panicked and place their hands on their throat


How many chest compressions should you give to a child?



How do you know if you should use the adult pads on someone?

children older than 8 years of age or weighing more than 55 pounds


Where should your hands be while giving CPR on an adult>

Two hands centered on the chest


Signs and symptoms of an asthma attack?

-Wheezing or coughing

- Rapid, shallow breathing (or trouble breathing)

- Sweating


How do you care an adult that is choking?

You should have them bend forward as far as possible while hitting them on the back 5 times. Then you bring them back up to standing position and give 5 back blows


How many compressions should you give per minute?

100 to 120


Where do you place the pads on a child?

place one pad on the upper right side of the child’s chest; place the other pad on the lower left side of the child’s chest, a few inches below the left armpit.


How deep should your compressions be on a adult?

At least 2 inches


How do you know if someone is having an allergic reaction?

- trouble breathing

- swelling in the neck, face, or tongue

- feeling tightness in the chest or throat


How many back blows should you give someone while caring for them?



How do you give an infant CPR?

You should place them on a flat surface, make sure its safe, then perform CPR by placing two of ut fingers in the middle of their chest, then you should tilt their head back slightly and give them 2 breaths, covering both their mouth and nose.


Where do you place the pads on an infant?

place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other pad on the back between the shoulder blades.


How many compressions should you give to an adult?



What should you do if some around you has fainted?

Check the person for responsiveness and normal breathing. If the person responds and is breathing normally, check the person from head to toe for injuries that might have happened as a result of the fall. If there are no injuries, place the person in the recovery position and loosen any tight clothing. Call 9-1-1.


How should you care for an infant that is choking?

You place the infant on one arm making sure their head is below their chest, then hitting them on the back 5 times, then you turn them over and switch them to the other arm and give them 5 compressions with two of your fingers.


Where should your hands be while giving an infant CPR?

Thumbs (side-by-side) on the center of the infant’s chest, just below the nipple line; other fingers encircle the infant’s chest toward the back, providing support


What should you do immediately after the shock is delivered through the body?

Start giving CPR


How do you know if the breathe you gave someone worked?

You should be able to see their chest rise
