Checking Person
Cardiac Emergencies

What are civilians role in the EMS system

recognizing that an emergency exists, deciding to take action, activating the EMS system, giving care until EMS personnel take over


How long should one check responsiveness and breathing of a person who appears to be unresponsive

5-10 seconds


How does a heart attack happen?

When blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked


What are some common household items that children under the age of 4 commonly choke on and should be controlled when children are around?

nuts, seeds, hot dogs, chunks of fruit, popcorn, peanut butter, coins, buttons, magnets, and marbles


What are the steps to giving compressions?

30 chest compressions and 2 breaths until the EMS arrive


What are the 4 signs of an emergency 

Unusual sounds, odors, sights, and behaviors


How do you put someone in recovery position?

Extend the person’s arm that is closest to you above the person’s head. Roll the person towards you so that their head rests on their arm. Bend both knees to stabilize the body.


What are the signs of a heart attack?

Chest pain, dizziness or lightheadedness, sweating, and discomfort or pain that spreads to one or both arms, the back, the shoulder, the neck, the jaw or the upper part of the stomach.


What are the signs someone is choking?

the person is panicked, confused, one or both hands is on their throat, and they maybe be coughing very hardly or be very silent


For all ages, what should the rate of compressions be?

100 to 120 per minute


What do Good Samaritan laws protect?

protects responders who act the way a reasonable and prudent person would act if that person were in the same situation


What method should be used to interview a person who looks to be in distress?

The S.A.M.P.L.E method 


What should be done if you think someone is having a heart attack?

Call 911, have the person relax and sit down, loosen any tight or uncomfortable clothing, if the person has a history of heart disease allows for them to take their medication to relieve chest pain, be prepared to do CPR and have an AED ready incase the person become unconscious


What should be done once you know someone is choking?

Asking if they are choking

encourage them to keep coughing 

be prepared to call 911 if they become unresponsive and be prepared to administer CPR until the EMS arrive

How deep should compressions be for an adult?

2 inches


What are the 5 steps to obtain consent 

Stating your name, stating the level and type of training you have, explain what you think is wrong, explain what you are doing to do, ask if your going to help


What is the S.A.M.P.L.E method?

Interviewing someone for:

signs/symptoms, allergies, medications, medical history, last food/drink, and events leading up to their incident


When does a cardiac arrest occur?

when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.


What are the two procedures that are to be done when assisting someone who is choking?

Back blows and abdominal thrusts 

How should an unconscious person's head be positioned when given rescue breaths?
In a past neutral position to allows for the airways to open and get the maximum amount of air in

What is implied consent?

consent that is gained when someone is unresponsive, confused, or mentally impaired who may not be able to grant consent


What should you do if the person you're interviewing speaks a different language?

Speak in a normal voice, ask around to see if anyone can speak the person's language, call 911 and explain you need someone who speaks the person's language, and try your best to communicate using gestures and facial expressions.


What should be asked before giving aspirin for a heart attack?

Are you allergic to aspirin?

Do you have a stomach ulcer or stomach disease?

Are you taking any blood thinners?


What should be done to save someone who is choking but is either too large for you to wrap your arms around, pregnant, or in a wheelchair, or if you yourself are choking>

Give abdominal thrusts on the chest

If you're choking,bend yourself over on a chair, or any firm object, and press your abdomen


In an adult how long should a rescue breath last?

1 second per breath
