Emergency medical services
What is EMS?
The American Heart Association defines a "child" as age
1 year into puberty
A child is choking on a piece of hard candy. She is
responsive and coughing forcefully. What should
you do?
Stay with her and encourage her to continue
Whats the first thing you do when seeing someone choking
Ask for consent for care
What are some signs of sudden illness
Trouble breathing, pain, Changes in level of consciousness, Light-headedness or dizziness, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or stomach cramps, a fever, and pale or flushed skin
What are some signs of an emergency
Unusual sounds, unusual smells, unusual sights, and unusual behavior
The first step in any first aid action is to
CHECK the scene
When giving CPR to a child, the cycle of chest
compressions and rescue breaths is:
30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths
True or false
You give back blows first when someone is choking
What are some signs of a asthma attack
wheezing or coughing, rapid shallow breathing, and sweating
What are good sovereignty laws
Statutes that protect rescuers from being sued for giving emergency care
When you phone 911 for help, you should stay on the line with the dispatcher until
The dispatcher tells you otherwise
When giving CPR to a child, how deep should you
compress the chest?
about 1 1/2 inches
When giving CPR how many back blows and abdominal thrusts do you do?
5 and 5
every person with asthma should have a what in case of emergency
asthma action plan
What is implied consent
When you assume consent is given by someone unconscious
Severe bleeding is considered life threatening because:
too little oxygen is carried to the vital organs
When you give care to an adult who is responsive
and choking, where should you position your fist to
give abdominal thrusts?
In the middle of the abdomen, just above
the navel
Do the amount of back blows and abdominal compression change if you are giving care to an infant?
What are some signs of a allergic reaction
Swelling, trouble breathing, feeling of tightness in throat or chest, and skin reactions
How can you lower risk of infection
Washing your hands, staying away from scenes, and wearing protective gear
Which of the following statements is true concerning Shock and Children?
Early signs of shock in infants and children may be less obvious than an adult, they compensate better for initial blood loss
Severe bleeding in infants and children can become critical more quickly than adults
If when giving CPR and the chest doesn't rise what's the first thing you should do
Make sure your tilting the head and pinching the nose
You should always encourage someone choking to what?
Whats the pen called that is used for allergic reactions