What medical procedure can prevent someone from dying by cardiac arrest? (That DOESN'T require drugs)
What is the first to steps of CPR?
Hint: The three C's
Check the Scene, and check the person.
Who can use AED's?
What is one of the four symptoms of cardiac arrest?
- No Pulse
- No Breathing
- A sudden collapse
- Loss of Consciousness
What is the minimum rate for chest compressions?
100 CPM (Compressions Per Minute)
When an AED is available should it be used immediately?
What are the 3 C's for cardiac arrest.
Check, Call, Compress.
When would one perform CPR?
When someone is undergoing cardiac arrest.
Where do you put the pads on someone?
One just under the collar bone on their chest, and the other on the opposite side on the ribs.
What is the difference between Cardiac Arrest and a Heart attack?
Cardiac Arrest involves the heart stopping unexpectedly.
Heart attack involves no blood flow to the heart.
For an adult what is the depth of compressions?
2 inches.
What should you do before the AED analyzes the heart rhythm?
In terms of cardiac arrest what does CAB mean?
Compression, Airway, Breathing.
How does CPR help when someone is undergoing cardiac arrest even if they still aren't breathing?
To keep them alive when the paramedics arrive.
Do AED's expire? (Pads, Batteries etc.