How do you check for a response?
What is Tap the shoulder and shout Are you OK?
Who do you call in a cardiac emergency?
What is 911
The preferred way to check for breathing is
what is look, listen, and feel
The first thing that you do when preparing to use an AED.
What is turn on the AED?
This is the first step to do before attempting to administer CPR or first aid to a victim?
What is Check for scene safety.
The Compression Depth for Adult CPR?
What is 2 inches
The leading cause of death in the United States?
What is heart disease
Where is the AED located on the 3rd floor?
What is near the teachers workroom?
This is what AED stands for.
What is Automated External Defibrillator?
CPR is a combination of rescue breathing and .......
What are chest compressions?
What is the ABC's of CPR?
For compressions in adult CPR the hands should be placed
what is the center of the breast bone between the nipples.
The most common cause of death from a heart attack in adults is
What is ventricular defibrillation?
A portable device that checks the heart rhythm.
What is AED?
What is the best position for the victim to be in when you are doing CPR?
What is flat on their back on the floor (Flat hard non-metallic surface)?
Name 3 reasons that you can stop performing CPR on a victim
What is an AED is available, another trained responder arrives and takes over, find signs of life, or the scene becomes unsafe?
At what rate should compression be given
What is 100 compression's per minute
How many Americans die yearly from heart disease?
What is 330,000
Shock is advised, what do you do next?
What is, check for breathing and continue CPR
What information should you provide to 911/EMS
What is current address and specific location within the building and condition of victim.
The proper technique of your hands and arms performing CPR on an adult.
What is:
1. Placing heel of hand on the breastbone; second hand overlapping with fingers interlocked.
2. Arms straight with elbows locked
3. Compress straight down.
What does CPR stand for
What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPR provides artificial breathing and.....
What is circulation
Where do the pads go on the patient when you are using an AED?
The electrode pads should be placed where right collar bone and left under the heart. (Follow the pictures on the pads)
This is the main purpose of CPR.
What is to circulate oxygen-rich blood to the vital organs until an AED or EMS arrive?