What are the 4 B's?
Bleeding, Broken Bones, Bites & Burns
A person is conscious and looks to be choking. They are coughing. What should you do?
Encourage them to keep coughing.
Types of Burns.
1. Thermal Burns
2. Chemical Burns
3. Electrical Burns
Who should you get consent from when providing First Aid to a child?
Parent or guardian
You see an unconscious person near the pool. What is your first step?
Check the scene for safety.
Explain AED and the precautions of AED.
AED: Automated External Defibrillator
Precautions: hair, wet, pacemaker and medicine patches
If a woman is pregnant, you should do 5 _______ thrusts instead of 5 abdominal thrusts.
Refer to the instructor
What should you not do for a person in shock?
Give them water
In which cases of first aid we can give Aspirin and why?
Heart Attack, as long as there are no bleeding or allergies
When a person is conscious, you should do this to find out what happened.
What are the various types of Bleeding?
1. Internal
2. External: artery, veins and superficial
Demonstrate the following: Choking and CPR for an infant
Refer to the instructor
What is a stroke?
It's when blood flow to the brain is blocked.
You are at the office. One of the employees faints. What would be your first aid action?
Refer to the instructor
What should you ask a conscious person before giving care.
Explain Choking, and list the first aid action that needs to be taken.
Types of choking: Partial and Complete.
Continue CPR until... (give all 3 answers)
help/EMS arrives, you see signs of life, and/or you are too exhausted to continue.
Refer back to the instructor.
You come across a car crash. A person is conscious, but vomiting blood, and you notice some areas of the body that are tender, swollen, and hard bruised areas. The person seems very confused and drowsy. What might this person be experiencing?
Internal bleeding
Demonstrate CPR for an Adult victim.
Explain Diabetic & what are the first aid that needs to be done.
Refer back to the book/manual
What is RICE?
R - Rest
I - Ice
C - Compress
E - Elevation
In checking for a stroke, what is the abbreviation that needs to be taken?
FAST: Face, arms, speech, time
In 5 years, your college professor goes unconscious during his lecture on the history of elephants. What are all of the steps you would take in order before beginning CPR?
Go back to the instructor.