Analyzing History
Initial Assessment
Try your luck

Read and analyze the Intake Assessment to ensure what?

There is a clear understanding of the maltreatment allegations and any safety threats.


When should I contact the Reporting Source?

Prior to initiating an assessment. The reporting source should be called to obtain any additional information, and to clarify and questions prior to the initial assessment.


Finish this sentence.

To be early is to....

Be on time!!!


What is Chronicity?

Chronicity is the frequency of the recurrence of maltreatment.


When do you conduct a Plan of Safe care meeting?

Within five calendar days of receiving the substance abuse assessment from the substance use disorder treatment provider, when maltreatment is alleged; or b. Within 14 calendar days of the intake notification that contain no allegations of maltreatment. 


Review the history of each household member as both a child and an adult. ( True or False)


During the review, analyze:

a. The number and frequency of previous reports;

b. The allegations reported;

c. The household members involved in the previous reports and the role that the member played in the family;

d. The role of the alleged maltreater in previous and/current child abuse allegations;

e. The severity of the reports and whether the severity is increasing;

f. The dispositions of the reports;

g. The family’s response to intervention;

h. Family strengths and support system;

i. Previous services provided to the family; and

Overall outcomes of agency intervention


Who should be engaged during an Initial Assessment?

Engage each household member face-to-face and privately to discuss the maltreatment allegations and assess child safety and family functioning. 

a. Alleged victim child(ren) 

b. Each parent 

c. All adult household members

 d. Other children in the home

 e. Alleged maltreater(s)


How many holidays does the State of Georgia employees observe?



The chronicity of the maltreatment should be assessed when?

When reviewing previous history.


What should the Plan of safe care address?

a. The health and substance abuse treatment needs of the infant and parent/caregiver; and 

b. The needs of the other family members affected by the substance use/abuse.


When do you analyze and consider history?

a. Making an intake decision;

b. Making a track decision during the Initial Safety Assessment;

c. Making a safety determination and safety planning;

d. Making an investigation determination;

e. Making a family support services determination;

f. Making a policy violation determination and developing a Corrective Action Plan (CAP);

g. Conducting diligent searches;

h. Approving or re-approving caregivers in out-of-home placements (voluntary kinship, foster care or adoption);

i. Developing contact standards;

j. Selecting permanency plans and making permanency decisions;

k. Developing the case plan, family plan and action plan;

l. Selecting and providing services to families;

m. Reunifying children with caregivers;

n. A parent, family or youth is unable to be located.


True or False...

If the alleged maltreater does not have access to the child, the interview may be conducted upon track assignment.


Engage each household member face-to-face and privately to discuss the maltreatment allegations. This includes alleged maltreaters identified as a person responsible for the care of a child, but do not reside in the home. In such instances, if the alleged maltreater does not have access to the child, the interview with him/her may be conducted upon track assignment.


Random:Finish the lyric to this song...( next sentence)

I believe the children are our future.....

Teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside.


Give an Example of Chronicity?

History of sexual abuse of any family member as a victim or perpetrator.

Recent incident, or indication, of abuse.

Prior child abuse investigation, regardless of finding.

Child been removed from the home by a protective service agency.

Prior incident resulted in a severe outcome.


What should be done prior to staffing a Plan of safe care case for disposition ( closure or transfer)?

Monitor the Plan of Safe Care to determine whether referrals are made and delivery of appropriate services to the affected infant, family or caregiver: 

a. Ensure the Plan of Safe Care is incorporated into the case plan if the case is transitioned to Family Preservation Services or Foster Care. 

b. Follow up with the responsible agency for monitoring the Plan of Safe Care, prior to case closure, if the DFCS case is expected to close.


Is it necessary to review history in an Out of State case?

Yes. It is important to review ALL history, including Out of State cases.


What is  Family Support Services?

Family Support Services (FSS) when no present or impending danger is identified.


Where was Usher at 7 o'clock?

In his drop top cruising the streets of course!!!


Chronicity involves an assessment of what areas?

1. Is there a history of sexual abuse of any family member as a victim or perpetrator? This includes both civil and criminal reports of sexual abuse in Georgia and other localities; regardless of the disposition or the role of the principles in those past reports.

2. Has there been a recent incident, or indication, of abuse (within last 6 months)? This question applies to any indication of abuse within the last 6 months and is not restricted to official agency reports. It may include statements from the child, family, community, professionals or others.

3. Has there been a prior child abuse investigation, regardless of finding? This includes any DFCS involvement in Georgia or in other states, regardless of the disposition.

4. Has any child been removed from the home by a protective service agency? This question applies to the court ordered removal of any child in Georgia or in other states. This also includes serious incidents in licensed foster/adoptive homes.

5. Has any prior incident resulted in a severe outcome? Indications of severe outcomes are those which require prompt medical attention; may require medical or psychiatric hospitalization; may endanger the child’ life; may cause permanent functional impairment, death, or disfigurement; and, sexual intercourse or sexual acts performed with a child.


Who should be invited to the Plan of Safe care meeting?

Invite all identified participants (e.g., family members, informal support system, the individuals identified by the mother, Children 1st or Babies Can’t Wait, medical professionals, substance and alcohol treatment professionals, including medication assisted treatment providers.


Discuss history with the caretaker to gain their perspective. ( True or False)


Discuss history with the caregivers to obtain their perspective regarding the previous history, including correlation to current circumstances.


What is an Investigation?

Present or impending danger is identified.

 ii. The following circumstances regardless of the existence of present or impending danger:

 1. When a new report is received on an active case: Investigation (INV), Family Preservation (FPS), or Foster Care (FCC/FCF) or Adoption (ADO).

 2. Any injury to a child including but not limited to bruising, cuts, welts, abrasions, lacerations, fractures, dislocations, sprains, punctures, burns and scalding as well as internal injuries.

 3. Chronic/severe neglect indicating failure to thrive, malnourishment, severely underweight, starvation, confinement, life-threatening living environment, withholding medically indicated treatment or other circumstances whichmay significantly impair child health, well-being or functioning. NOTE: This includes alleged child maltreatment involving infants that are born alive in which there is suspected medical neglect, including the withholding of medically indicated treatment from disabled infants with lifethreatening conditions.

 4. Prenatal abuse

 5. Trafficking a child for labor servitude (labor trafficking)

 6. Sexual abuse and sexual exploitation

 7. Unaccompanied homeless youth

 8. When the family cannot be located, moved to an unknown location, or contact cannot be established with an essential family/household member.

 Policy 4.02


What was the first Child Protective Agency in the world?

The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Founded in 1875 by Elbridge Thomas Gerry.


Random: Is this your lucky day?

Switch points with the team of your choice!!!

When should the completed POSC be uploaded in external documentation?

Document all activities related to the assessment, development and monitoring of the Plan of Safe Care, including uploading the completed Plan of Safe Care to Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of occurrence.
