What assessments are required for qualifying a student under the category of Autism?
Autism Rating Scale, assess intellectual, academic, communicative, social skills and adaptive functioning
Social Skills
Students who are learning English from the first time and are not from our country are called
English Language Learners
Assesses behaviors and emotions (EBD)
Rating forms for parents and teachers
Used to monitor changes in the students behavior/emotions
If a student has an accomodation, I should include it in every goal I write for them
If true give an example
Benny will read aloud with his line reader tool for 20 minutes with at least 80% accuracy in 2/3 tries by December 4.
Assessments used to qualify a student under the Intellectual disability category
Cognitive assessment (Weshler, Woodcock Johnson Cognitive), academic assessment, adaptive behavior
At what point in the RTI process can you refer a student to be assessed for special education services?
After you have done sufficient instruction (move tiers) and progress monitoring assessments
You also need permission from the student's parents
Name a few testing accommodations for a student with autism
Quiet room, noise cancelling headphones, breaks, alternative response forms/format differences (orally, through a computer), extended or reduced time
Who is required to be present in an IEP meeting?
Parents, general education teacher, special education teacher, principle, any related services people the student needs
The principal and parents make eligibility decisions regardless of the model used to determine eligibility.
The Multidisciplinary team makes these decisions. Parents and the principal are apart of it
Assessments used to qualify a student under the specific learning disability category
Progress monitoring through MTSS/RTI, academic assessment
Which characteristics need to be included to qualify for special education under RTI?
Low achievement level and rate of growth
Precise learning goals and objectives or benchmarks
Provide a clear basis for monitoring student progress making individualized decisions and a clear focus for instruction
What type of assessment is used for students who are impulsive, inattentive and have poor consentration?
What disability would this qualify under?
Connors III Rating Scale
CBMs measure student learning in subjects that make up school curriculum
That is achievement tests. CBMs measure academic content over shorter periods of time. They are used for progress monitoring not determining eligibility
Assessments used to qualify a student as having ADHD under the Other Health Impairment category
Medical examination/assessment, Connors, progress monitoring data (RTI/MTSS)
Which phase of the assessment process relies on assessment data and achievement tests?
Determining eligibility
What kind of prompting can teachers use to help students complete the assessment?
Tell, show, guide
In ABA terms this is verbal, modeling and physcial prompting
What mistakes are often present when you only use scores rather than other factors to assess a student?
You are not getting the whole picture
Ex: If the student struggles to read, you should see what their family life is like. They may not have parents that can read. There wouldn't be examples in their home.
There is a clear, singular genetic, behavioral and/or physiological marker that identifies children with autism.
It is different for every child.
Name all 13 disability categories
Specific Learning Disability, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Multiple Disabilties, Intellectual Disabiltiy, Other Health Impairment, Autism, Speech language Impairment, Emotional Behavioral Disabiltiy, TBI, Orthopedic disability, Blindness, Deaf-Blindedness, Developmental Delay
What is the SSIS? What disability category could this assessment be used to help assess?
Social Skills Improvement System
Autism, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities
What does the Vineland assess? Name a 3 facts about this assessment
Administered by a school psychologist
It is used to help diagnose developmental delays, autism and intellectual disabilities
Carlos was referred for a comprehensive assessment because he is suspected to have a SLD. Which type of achievement test would be best to use to determine if Carlos qualifies for special education and related services?
An individually-administered, multiple-skills diagnostic test
KTEA, Brigance, WCJ
After the student is able to receive special education services you still need to progress monitor and adjust the interventions as needed.
Special educators are constantly collecting data on their students. They never stop