What year was Celebrate Recovery Launched at Saddleback Church with only 43 members?
What is 1991.
Darth Vader's iconic breathing sound was created by this.
What is breathing through Scuba Gear
This Leader prides herself on being the "nerd" of the group and loves to learn so much that she is back in School to earn a Christian Counseling degree.
Who is Rachelle Bailey.
Jesus was how old when he went missing and was found teaching in the temple.
What is 12 years old.
Derived from the Crocus flower this spice is one of the most expensive spices in the world.
What is Saffron.
Celebrate Recovery's DNA includes being accountable to these three people or organizations?
What is Christ, the local Church and CR Global Team.
What is a Pizza.
As one of the youngest of the CR Leaders this person tends to focus more on the "tech"nical part of CR.
Who is Jazz
Christ was the name given to Jesus (derived from the Greek word Christos or Messiah) meaning this.
What is the anointed one.
This edible food never spoils and was found in Ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old.
What is honey.
Which step has the Biblical Comparison, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10
What is step 6.
Michelangelo spent this long painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling, while lying on his back for most of the time.
What is 4 years.
Before serving at CR you might have found this Leader working at your local bank.
Who is Lisa
Jesus first miracle performed was this.
What is when he turned water into wine.
This fruit takes about two years to fully grow before it can be harvested.
What is Pineapple.
Celebrate Recovery was brought to Central henderson this year.
What is 2007.
Humans spend approximately this many years of their lives dreaming.
What is 6 years.
This Leader started serving at Central in the accounting Department before they led at Celebrate Recovery
Who is Daniel
The New testament tells us that Jesus appeared this many times after his resurrection to his disciples and followers.
What is 12.
How many cups of decaf coffee do you have to consume to get the same amount of caffeine as a regular cup of coffee?
What is 5.
The ______ that were taught from Jesus at the_____ _____ ______ _______ are part of our 8 principles.
What is Beatitudes, at the Sermon on the Mount.
"Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?' is a classic movie line from this 1985 movie.
What is The breakfast club.
This leader is not only known as Central Henderson's Theology expert but they also helped to launch our Henderson CR Ministry.
Who is Bob Wood
Unless you change and become _____ _____ _____, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
*Bonus if you can name that scripture*
What is "Like Little Children."
*Matthew 18:2-5*
Name the three most favorite sodas in the US in order by popularity
What is 1. Coke, Dr Pepper & Pepsi are tied.