Can you spell Lectrishun?
Famous Khan-duits
It ain't that hard. Though it sure ain't DC.

The practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity is the expressed purpose of this regulatory document first established in 1897.

What is the NEC?


Lectricly speaking, an instrument used to test the potential difference in electromotive force of a circuit.

What is a Voltage tester?


"Take care my young Marco and do not displease the great Khan, lest he send one of his minions to do this to you", a word used to describe any bend less than 90o.

What is a kick?


The resistance of a wire shows this type of relation to its length. (2 words)

What is directly proportional?


To solve for this in a circuit using Ohm's Law, you would divide the Voltage by this.

What are current and resistance?


In general, rigid PVC conduit shall not be permitted to be used where subject to ____  ____.

What is physical damage?


Spelled a bit differently than you may think, this instrument is used to measure the amount of electrical current flow in a circuit.

What is an Ammeter?


Watch out! This "windy city" type ratcheting bender may just "blow" you away with its simple, effective, yet surprisingly portable design.

What is a Chicago bender?


Operating a light bulb below its rated voltage will ____ the light output of the lamp.

What is reduce?


This anagram, when re-arranged, spells out the term used for opposition to current in a DC circuit.




Determining the minimum size junction box I would need for the installation of conductors and devices will require that I first go to this section of the NEC.

What is 314.16?


Lest ye be wishin' to sport a hook like a pirate, if ye need to hold a sling or choker in place until a load is lifted, be sure yer hands stay clear of ____  ____.

What are pinch points?


This handy little gizmo is ready to solve all your crooked and unsightly canine appendage troubles by simply....aligning them?

What is a no-dog? Also acceptable is the more technical but also very much more boring, 'aligning offset aid'. I mean, who calls it that?


This is the minimum number of individual 20 Amp circuits (assuming not more than 80% breaker load) I would need if I want to install (35) 250-watt lights operating at 120 V.

What is 5?


For his fifth birthday, his dear uncle Lester Shimmyshackles gave baby Izaac Melons a shiny new toy---a 12-ohm Gizmometron (2 batteries required). If only Izaac hadn't swallowed them earlier that day. Once the (2) 1.5 V batteries are 'retrieved' and connected in parallel, the current in mA through the Gizmometron will be this.

What is 125 mA?


Where practicable, dissimilar metals in contact anywhere in the system shall be avoided to eliminate the possibility of this. 

What is galvanic action?


It is necessary before starting repair or maintenance work on 'lectrical 'quipment to de-energize the electric 'quipment and then to apply ____, and ____ to ensure no one can re-energize the system.

What are locks and tags?


Grandson of the infamous Genghis Khan, this Mongol emperor, when not being the most ludicrously powerful person in the world, took a quick minute to entertain a Venetian pleb named Niccolò Polo, his son Marco, and a star-struck bunch of his grubby pals.

Who was Kublai Khan?


Power lost in the form of heat across a circuit can be found using this formula. 

What is P = I2 x R ?


A linguistic cousin of 'ferrivorous' and 'ferroalloy', this word describes a material that is easily magnetized. 

What is ferromagnetic?


Known for his critical role in cracking the notorious Enigma machine, this brilliant British mathematician is considered by many as the father of computer science.

Who was Alan Turing?


In 1891, this founding father helped organize, and presided over, the first national electrical workers union.

Who is Henry Miller?


Leg = Gain + Total Length - ____

What is the Stub?


Who's he? What's his name? Though not quite a physician? Cats in hats are his fame; An absurd-word magician! But what I want to know; not "what house did he live in?" His true alias to show as the name he'd been given.

What is Theodor?


As current flow increases through a conductor, the _____  _____ surrounding the conductor _____.

What are magnetic field and increases?
