Economic Impact
Foreign Conflict
Domestic Issues
Overcoming Obstacles

An economic theory that states a country's profit will grow exponentially by increasing exports and decreasing imports. 

What is mercantilism?


The outcome of this war led to almost two decades of oppressive tax laws on American colonists by the British government, until the colonists declared their independence. 

What is the French and Indian War?


The first 10 Amendments of the US Constitution also go by another name (three words total), the first word being another name for William. 

What is the Bill of Rights?


While stating that he wished to limit the powers of the president, Thomas Jefferson was seen as a rather hypocritical president for expanding executive power with acquiring this highlighted area from Napoleon Bonaparte.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


One of the main advantages the Union had over the Confederacy during the Civil War was their ability to 

What is produce more stuff?


This trade route connected the continents of Europe, Africa, and the Americas in trade relations and colonization. 

What is the trans-Atlantic trade route? (Also accepting Triangular Trade Route)


This statement by President James Monroe declared the Western Hemisphere to be off-limits to European countries and that any hostile act in the Americas would be met with "unfriendly" actions against them by the US.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


Government programs intended for relief, recovery, and reform, for all citizens in the United States to help the country out of the Great Depression. Started by President FDR.

What is The New Deal?


A devastating action taken against the Plains Indians by the US government in order to shrink their numbers and kick them off their land was the hunting of this animal

What is the buffalo?


Journalists, authors, poets, and writers that uncovered political and societal corruption, mostly in major cities like New York and Chicago, were called

What are muckrakers?


This political cartoon is a representation of what business design in which one company majorly influences the supply, demand, and trade of a particular item. 

What is a monopoly?


This conflict, which started off the coast of Cuba, brought the United States onto the stage of being a world power

What is the Spanish-American War?


The compromise that decided Southern States would be allowed to count three out of every five enslaved people towards their population so that those states could have better representation in government was called

What is the Three-Fifths Compromise?


The amendment that abolished slavery in the United States

What is the 13th Amendment?


This is when factories that made household items like lamps and cars switched to manufacturing things of war like bombs and airplanes

What is wartime conversion?


The Stamp Act, Tea Act, and Intolerable Acts were all taxation laws that would eventually lead to the American Revolution, with a popular rallying cry being this.

What is "no taxation without representation"?


The German military tactic of attacking any ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the United States during World War One, which eventually brought the US onto the side of the Allied Powers, was called

What is Unrestricted Submarine Warfare?


House of Burgesses, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the Mayflower Compact are all important examples of this

What is "self-government"?


This battle in the South was the last major stronghold of the Confederacy and completely destroyed the its ability to transport troops and resources using the rail network 

What is the Battle of Atlanta?


Legislation that gave financial aid and military equipment to Allied countries during WWII in exchange for the construction of US military bases in those countries

What is the Lend-Lease Act?


The cycle of debt and servitude that followed the Civil War in which freed Black populations would still work on plantations to pay off their loans to landlords of their crops was known as this 

What is sharecropping?


This war was known as the first "living  war" as live updates were given so people could watch the events unfold before them on television. This led to many anti-war rallies nation-wide.

What is The Vietnam War?


This man was arrested for violating a Jim Crow law in Louisiana in which he sat in the "Whites Only" passenger car. The Supreme Court case, in which he lost, established "separate but equal" doctrine.

Who is Homer Plessy?


This famous painting depicts an angel protecting Americans as they expand influence and population to the Pacific ocean. What is this called?

What is Manifest Destiny?


This Supreme Court case overturned Plessy v Ferguson, declaring that public schools were to never again remain segregated based on race or ethnicity.

What is Brown v Board of Education?
