Which Cranial Nerve provides vision?
Optic Nerve (Cranial Nerve II)
What is the Olfactory nerve (Cranial Nerve I) responsible for?
Responsible for the sense of smell
How does one test the Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve 10 (X))?
Observing palate in phonation, touching palate for palatal reflex/Ask them to speak
A patient has difficulty abducting (moving laterally) one eye. Which cranial nerve is likely affected?
Abducens nerve (Cranial Nerve VI); it innervates the lateral rectus muscle
Name three Cranial Nerves with functions related to the eyes.
Oculomotor nerve (Cranial Nerve 3 (III)) 2. Trochlear nerve (Cranial Nerve 4 (IV)) 3. Abducens nerve (Cranial Nerve 5 (VI))
Which nerve allows for movement of the tongue.
Hypoglossal Nerve (Cranial Nerve 12 (XII))
What simple test is used to check the function of the trigeminal nerve (Cranial Nerve 5 (V))?
Light touch or pinprick on the forehead, cheek, and jaw to test sensation, and ask the patient to clench their jaw to test the motor function.
A patient has a lesion affecting the hypoglossal nerve (Cranial Nerve 12 (XII)). What will happen when they stick out their tongue?
The tongue will deviate toward the left or right (same side as the lesion) because the genioglossus muscle (which pushes the tongue forward) is unopposed on the intact side
The brain receives information related to sound and balance from this Cranial Nerve.
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Nerve 8 (VIII))
What does the Glossopharyngeal nerve (Cranial Nerve IX (9)) do?
Provides sensory supply to the palate (roof of the mouth)
How would you test the Accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve 11 (XI))?
Ask the patient to turn their head against resistance
A patient presents with difficulty turning their head to the left and shrugging their right shoulder. Which cranial nerve is likely affected and what is the issue?
Spinal accessory nerve (Cranial Nerve XI): functions on sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
Damage to the right CN XI weakens the right trapezius (causing shoulder droop) and the right sternocleidomastoid (which normally turns the head to the left).
Which nerve has 3 branches? (Ophthalmic, Maxillary, Mandibular). 50 bonus points (total) for listing what each branch is related function.
Trigeminal Nerve (Nerve V(5))
Branches: 1. Ophthalmic (eyes) 2. Maxillary (upper jaw) 3. Mandibular (Lower Jaw)
What muscles does the Accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve 11 (XI)) provide motor function too? Bonus 50 points for showing where they are located on the body.
sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
Placing a tuning fork on the mastoid process and then hold it up the their ear and asking if one is louder than the other tests which Cranial Nerve?
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve 7 (VII))
During a neurological exam, a doctor tests the corneal reflex by touching the cornea with a cotton swab. What cranial nerve(s) are involved, and what are their roles?
Trigeminal nerve (Cranial Nerve 5 (V) 1—ophthalmic branch) senses the touch
Facial nerve (Cranial Nerve 7 (VII)) causes blinking (efferent)
Which cranial nerve is known as the "wandering nerve" because it extends beyond the head and neck to the heart and digestive organs?
Vagus nerve (Cranial Nerve 10 (X))
The vagus nerve (Cranial Nerve 10 (X)) has parasympathetic (network of nerves that relaxes your body after periods of stress or danger) functions. Name one organ it influences and describe the effect.
The heart—slows heart rate
A patient is experiencing double vision, and dropping in the eyes while you ask them to follow your finger as you draw letters during a Cranial Nerve test. Which nerve are you testing? What is Double vision and Dropping called?
Oculomotor Nerve (Cranial Nerve 3 (III)), Trochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve 4 (IV)), and Abducens Nerve (Cranial Nerve 6 (VI))
Horizontal diplopia: Double vision
Ptosis: Dropping
A patient with a lesion in the jugular foramen has difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, and loss of the gag reflex. Which cranial nerves might be affected?
Glossopharyngeal (Cranial Nerve 9 (IX)), Vagus (Cranial Nerve 10 (X)), and Accessory (Cranial Nerve 11 (XI))
They all exit via the jugular foramen.