The answer is...
How much is the cap
on a $6 place bet?
(Bet pays 7x cap)
The answer is...
Pays one green,
three red, two white
$36 pays $42
30 pays 35
6 pays 7
7:6 Place odds on 6 & 8
(cap x 7)
The answer is...
Odds pay two red, two white
10 pays 12
6:5 odds on 6 & 8
(Each red pays 6)
The answer is...
3:2 odds pay three red
10 pays 15
3:2 odds on 5 & 9
Odds bet plus half
The answer is...
Bet pays one red, four white
$5 pays $9
9:5 Place odds on 4 & 10
The answer is...
How much is the cap
on a $12 place bet?
(Bet pays 7x cap)
The answer is...
Pays one green,
four red, four white
$42 = $49
30 pays 35
12 pays 14
7:6 Place odds on 6 & 8
(cap x 7)
The answer is...
Odds pay
Four red, four white
20 pays 24
6:5 odds on 6 & 8
(Each red pays 6)
The answer is...
3:2 odds pay
One green, one red
20 pays 30
3:2 odds on 5 & 9
Odds bet plus half 3:2
Odds on 5/9 pay 3:2
The answer is...
Bet pays three red, three white
$10 pays $18
9:5 Place odds on 4 & 10
The answer is...
How much is the cap
on a $18 place bet?
(Bet pays 7x cap)
The answer is...
Pays two green,
one red, one white
$48 = $56
30 pays 35
18 pays 21
(cap x 7)
The answer is...
Odds pays one green,
two red, one white
30 pays 36
6:5 odds on 6 & 8
(Each red pays 6)
Or Each green pays 30
Each red pays 6
30 pays 36
The answer is...
3:2 odds pay
One green, four red
30 pays 45
3:2 odds on 5 & 9
Odds bet plus half
Odds on 5/9 pay 3:2
The answer is...
9:5 odds pay
One green, two white
$15 pays $27
9:5 Place odds on 4 & 10
The answer is...
How much is the cap
on a $24 place bet?
(Bet pays 7x cap)
The answer is...
Pays two green,
two red, three white
$54 = $63
30 pays 35
24 pays 28
Improper cap, should be $9
The answer is...
Bet pays one green,
four red, three white
25 = 30
15 = 31
40 pays 48
6:5 odds on 6 & 8
Each green pays 30
Each red pays 6
The answer is...
3:2 odds pay
Two green, two red
40 pays 60
3:2 odds on 5 & 9
Odds bet plus half
Odds on 5/9 pay 3:2
The answer is...
This bet is similar to a Place bet except that the player pays a 5% vig up-front on bets $20 and up in exchange for receiving a true payoff if it wins.
What is a BUY bet?
The answer is...
How much is the cap
on a $30 place bet
(Bet pays 7x cap)
The answer is...
Pays one green,
nine red
(Player needed red)
If 6 pays 7 then 60 must pay 70
7:6 Place odds on 6 & 8
(cap x 7)
The answer is...
Bet pays one green,
6 red, five white
(Player needed red and white)
Each green pays 30
50 pays 60
Each red pays 6
10 red pays 60
6:5 odds on 6 & 8
If 5 pays 6 then
50 pays 60
The answer is...
3:2 odds pay One green,
nine red, five white
What? Player need red and toke $$
50 pays 75
3:2 odds on 5 & 9
Odds bet plus half
Odds on 5/9 pay 3:2
The answer is...
This bet on the 4 or 10
Pays one green, three red for $1
How much does a $20 BUY bet pay?
$20 and up pay double
less 5% vig on bet amount