Man's Closest Relative
Contributive Conservationists
Feel the Impact
Human Hazards
Refreshing Relief Efforts
This is the difference between a human’s DNA strand and a chimpanzee’s DNA strand
What is a one percent difference
This organization hopes to identify populations of chimpanzees not yet in protected in reserves and launch important awareness programs to educate people about the dangers facing chimpanzees
What is the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation
These types of animals are essential to their local ecosystems, where they serve as a bridge that keep organism populations in check
What is a keystone population
This term describes meat that has come from the forest and is often associated with illegal hunting. It is an essential part of how local individuals make money and has become more commonplace with mass urbanization in Africa
What is bushmeat
Early in history, chimpanzees were often referred as this African name, due in part to their cleverness and intelligence
What is the mockman
These biologists run the Escape to Chimp Eden conservation area in South Africa in a hope to protect endangered chimpanzees from extinction
Who are Eugene Cussons and Philip Cronje
Chimpanzees perform these functions that are necessary for the continuance of a jungle ecosystem
What is the dispersal of tree seeds and indicating the health of an ecosystem's habitat
The habitat of chimpanzees are being lost due to these two activities, one which involves the clearing of space for housing units and another which makes way for logging and mining companies to operate in a certain area
What is forest encroachment and deforestation
Chimpanzee populations are mostly found in Central and West Africa but are particularly concentrated in what regions?
What are West Africa, Cameroon, Nigeria, the Congo Basin, and Central Africa
This social psychologist established the Bushmeat Project, an organization looking to stop the illegal hunting of chimpanzees for bushmeat
Who is Dr. Anthony Rose
There were over two million chimpanzees living in over twenty-five nations at the beginning of the 20th century. This amount has decreased to this figure, making the chimpanzee an endangered species
What is 300,000 chimpanzees
Due to an increased presence of humans in the habitats of chimpanzees, this factor has caused populations to dwindle and the outbreak of several major epidemics, such as the AIDS virus, because of its high transmissity between humans and chimps
What is disease
This form of tracking is employed by the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation in an attempt to understand where the last chimpanzee populations live, if they are stable or declining in numbers and what threats are present to these populations
What is biomonitoring
This species of chimpanzee is the most intelligent animal in the world, behind humans
What is the bonobo
This organization is the most prominent contributor to the protection of chimpanzees through the creation of several awareness programs. It was established in 1977 in California, USA
What is the Jane Goodall Insititute for Wildlife, Education, and Conservation
Chimpanzees are influential to our understanding of these aspects of human culture
What is the understanding of human socialization patterns and the evolution of the human race
In the field of medical research, and due to their close genetic ties with humans, chimpanzees are used in these experiments that hope to resolve physiological and psychological problems in people
What are vaccine tests, brain damage assessment, social and maternal destitution, alcohol and drug use, and heartless transplants operations
This program was developed in 2010 and looks to improve the health of local human populations while also establishing improved and secure habitats for wild chimpanzees
What is the Sustainable Livelihoods Project
Though solitary, chimpanzees can be found nursing their young, looking for food and playing with one another in goups of this many members
What is 80 chimpanzees
This naturalist works in Uganda for the Wild Conservation Society gathering data about chimpanzee behaviour, habitats and social structures. He has been involved in several conservation efforts including the A Chance for a Chimp program
Who is Andrew Plumptre
These terms describe the influence that chimpanzees exert on both animal and human populations
What are ecological, economical, and cultural values
These practices have led to a misunderstanding of chimpanzee behaviour and needs as well as downplaying the danger that chimps face in the wild. The said practices can cause chimpanzees to end up in small zoos, to become medical subjects or to receive euthanization
What is using chimpanzees as pets and as entertainers
This 10 year plan is the most extensive effort to date to protect chimpanzees from extinction and it involves continued research on primate behaviour and socialization patterns.
What is the "A Chance for A Chimp" plan