I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
It's Time for a Death Baaaatle
When You Wish Upon A Star...

What is the 'theme song' featured in the promotional trailers for Fallout 76?

"Take Me Home, Country Roads"


This blue-skinned Grand Admiral was so popular he made the jump from Legends to full canon, and was known for his cunning intellect and love of artwork.

Grand Admiral Thrawn


This Death Battle matchup has been rehashed three separate times, with the writers declaring that the most recent 2023 installment would be the last featuring this pair.

Goku vs Superman (and yes, everyone's sick of it)


This Disney-Pixar animated film may look like a basic fish-out-of-water love story, but actually has themes of immigration, integration, and family.

Elemental (it's really cute you guys)


Of all of the TTRPG systems I've actually played in, this one is my all-time favorite (assuming access to all associated resources).

Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition (nostalgia is a hell of a drug; my first-ever exposure was this system, and Scott was there for it, too! The good ol' Morgester plan, and throwing javelins at the wizard)


What tabletop roleplaying game system was Fallout 1 and Fallout 2's SPECIAL system based upon?



In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, First Order Stormtrooper FN-2199's iconic line earned him this fan designation/nickname.

TR-8R ("Traitor!")


This joke Death Battle is widely considered the worst episode of all time, due to featuring real-life individuals and being rather mean-spirited.

Justin Beiber vs Rebecca Black (released in 2011, for reference)


Walt Disney originally envisioned this project as a city entirely under his personal control, whose residents would work for Disney and who would have very public lives viewable to guests and would have very little in the way of personal agency.

Epcot (after Walt's death, the location was adapted into a permanent World's Fair-themed park)


This niche genre of electronic music is associated with the 1980s action, sci-fi, and horror film soundtracks, as well as art and video games from the era. It is is visually characterized by neon-magenta and cyan colors, gridlines and VHS artifacts.

Synthwave (this is not vaporwave, though the two are similar - synthwave is much better in my opinion)


Every Fallout game's protagonist is referred to by a title. What is the title of Fallout 4's protagonist?

The Sole Survivor


Several materials in the Star Wars universe are known to be resistant to, or outright disable, lightsabers. Name one of these materials.

Beskar and Cortosis are the most well-known, but other lesser-known options will still count.


This Death Battle episode is one of only a few instances where the winner is not only universally agreed upon, but even fans of the loser wanted them to lose.

Omni-Man vs Homelander (it is very funny how much everyone wanted Homelander to lose)


While Disneyland's attractions are generally considered to be quite safe, a few deaths have occurred at this park. Which attraction saw the first fatal incident at Disneyland? (for one bonus point, name the year it happened!)

Matterhorn Bobsleds, 1964 (a teen fell out of the ride after his friend undid his restraints)


This Croatian video game developer is best known for its first-person shooter franchise, but is also the creator of my favorite puzzle game series, The Talos Principle.

Croteam (for the record, the first-person shooter franchise is Serious Sam, and it is seriously impressive that they could pivot and make an amazing pair of philosophical puzzle games)


The team behind Fallout: New Vegas were promised a bonus if the game scored well enough on Metacritic. What was the metacritic score of Fallout: New Vegas on PC which caused the team to be denied this bonus?

84 (just shy of the 85 needed)


In Legends, this villainous, technophobic, and Force-absent race threatened the Star Wars Galaxy after the New Republic established itself as its new protectors.

The Yuuzhan Vong


This Death Battle between two relatively grounded anime-adjacent characters is known for being more controversial among the characters' respective fanbases than within the Death Battle community itself.

Guts vs Dimitri (specifically, the Fire Emblem community greatly disagrees with Dimitri's victory, due to how he was scaled)


Disneyland's virtual queue system, called FastPass, originally took the form of paper tickets. Disney spent over $1 billion trying to produce an updated system using wristbands for the Walt Disney World Resort and associated parks. What was the name of this system?

MyMagic+, though FastPass+ is also an acceptable answer (fun fact, despite the cost and tech headaches with implementation, this system did end up turning a profit for Disney and now we're stuck with Genie+ anyway which sucks and I'm still mad)


The first and only handwritten fanfiction I've ever created was about this 2006 video game.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (I don't quite remember everything about it, but the gist of it was a Hyrule historian trying to restore the Mirror of Twilight from its shards at the top of the Arbiter's Grounds for loosely-justified reasons)


In many Fallout games, diplomatic characters can negotiate an end to the game without a boss fight. Of the following series, which does this not have this option?

Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas.

Fallout 2 (Frank Horrigan cares not for your petty words)


This psychopathic C1-series astromech droid has an impressive kill count, estimated to be between 4,000 and 50,000. Its most impressive feat is the destruction of two Star Destroyers.

C1-10P "Chopper"


In the history of Death Battle (and spinoff shows such as Death Battle X and Death Race), a few characters have managed to kill themselves rather than be killed by their opponent. Name one of these characters.

Might Guy and Optimus Prime are two that I know of, but I will accept others as well.


This 2008 Disney live-action film resulted in the creation of a new phrase, which shares meaning with "jumping the shark". What was this phrase?

Nuking the fridge (referring to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull's infamous scene. Fun fact, this scene is mostly survivable, provided you're able to get out of the fridge, as it's old-school and locks from the outside)


This game series, created by a developer most known for sports titles, is perhaps most well-known for initially being too large to fit onto a single game cartridge - and for having a rather disappointing 'modern' sequel.

Golden Sun (The Lost Age was originally planned to be a part of the first game, but it got waaaaay too big for a single cartridge. Also I want to like Dark Dawn so bad but it's just not as good, man)
