Causes of the
Civil War
Key Events of the Civil War
The New South
African-Americans in the New South
The idea that the South had the right not to follow a federal law
What is nullification?
Anaconda Plan The Union used naval ships to prevent the south from continuing to trade materials (such as cotton) with the British. Kept the south from having the materials necessary to continue to fight.
What is the Union Blockade of GA’s Coast?
Set up to assist freed slaves. Assisted them with food, clothing, shelter, education, and with getting jobs.
What is the Freedman's Bureau?
Powerful Democratic leaders Expanded Georgia’s economy Developed ties with industries in the North Maintained the tradition of white supremacy
What is the Bourbon Triumvirate?
Laws passed to segregate (separate) blacks and whites.
What are Jim Crow laws?
A Tax on imported goods
What is a tariff?
BLOODIEST SINGLE DAY BATTLE of the Civil War. No Clear winner South: Robert E. Lee Objective was to take Washington, D.C. North: George McClellan McClellan allowed Lee to retreat back into Virginia instead of attacking
What is the Battle of Antietam?
a farming method in which a land owner loans farmers housing, seeds, and tools in return for part of the crop’s profits.
What is sharecropping?
Spokesman of the New South. Wanted Georgia to advance to an industrial society that could compete with the north Increase the technology used in farming
Who is Henry Grady?
Supreme Court decision which stated that segregation was legal The separate but equal doctrine “The races may be separated as long as they have equal facilities
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
Missouri entered the U.S. as a slave state Maine entered as a free state in 1820 Tried to keep slavery in the south Tried to keep balance in Congress Outlawed slavery north of 36°30' latitude (the southern border of Missouri)
What is the Missouri Compromise?
Issued by Abraham Lincoln after Battle of Antietam Stated that all slaves in any states in rebellion against the Union would become free on January 1, 1863. Did not include 4 Border States who supported slavery but did not secede
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
a similar system except the tenant farmer would provide their own seeds and tools and only rented land.
What is tenant farming?
Designed to show the economic recovery that had taken place in the south by 1895. Northern businesses could come and invest money in the south Chance for southern farmers to show they could diversify crops
What is the International Cotton Exposition?
Denying people the right to Vote Mostly aimed at the African-Americans
What is disfranchisement?
California enters the U.S. as a free state. Texas entered as a free state in 1850. 4 Territories would not come into the Union Fugitive Slave Act Required northern states to return runaway slaves to the south.
What is the Compromise of 1850?
July 1 to July 3, 1863 Turning Point of the Civil War Bloodiest BATTLE of the Civil War Union Army defeats the Confederates. Lee makes terrible mistake of ordering Pickett’s Charge
What is the Battle of Gettysburg?
Outlawed slavery
What is the 13th Amendment?
Worked to protect small farmer’s rights Against the New South Movement Introduced Rural Free Delivery (RFD) A system of better communication by having mailed delivered, for free, to your home
Who were Tom Watson and the Populists?
Believed social and political equality would come with improved economic conditions and education. Believed in slow, progressive movements in the Civil Rights era Delivered the famous “Atlanta Compromise” speech in 1895.
Who is Booker T. Washington?
Written by Alexander Stephens Supported the Compromise of 1850 The North would support the Fugitive Slave Act and not ban slavery in new states in order to uphold the Compromise of 1850. Georgia was credited with preventing war and secession.
What is the Georgia Platform?
September 1863 in Northwest GA Objective was the railroad lines Union troops were driven back to Chattanooga Bloodiest battle in GA
What is Chickamauga?
Granted citizenship to freedmen and required “equal protection under the law” for all freed slaves.
What is the 14th Amendment?
Supporter of women’s suffrage (the right to vote) Helped increase social reform for women’s rights. Became the first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate in 1922. Helped to get Prohibition (ban on alcohol) passed Helped to end convict release system
Who is Rebecca Latimer Felton?
Believed in “action” if African Americans and whites were to understand and accept each other Thought Booker T. Washington was too accepting of social injustice Created the NAACP at the Niagara Convention
Who is W.E.B. Dubois?