What is another name for The Trinity?
Where did St. Elizabeth live?
God, Jesus, Holy Spirit is...
Who is the Sign of the Cross prayer to?
What is the first person in the Trinity?
She started a hospital. Fed and clothed people.
How did Elizabeth help others?
Glory Be to the Father is....
What is another prayer that praise God as the Trinity?
Holy Spirit
What is the third person in the Trinity?
A King.
Who was Elizabeth father?
The Hail Mary is....
What prayer praises Mary?
Came to tell us of the Father's love for us and to save us.
Why did Jesus come to Earth?
A simple life
What kind of life did Elizabeth lead.
The Lord prayer is....
What prayer came from Jesus?
Helps us understand how much God loves us and how we should love others.
What does the Holy Spirit do?
She loved others.
How did Elizabeth show God's love?
A belief in...is called....
What does Creed mean?