What is the most common higher-incidence disability
Speech or language impairment
Intensifying behavioral monitoring, providing behavior contracts, or increasing reinforcement are characteristics of
Behavior Plan or Functional Behavior Assessment
What is self-monitoring?
form of self-management involves teaching the student to evaluate and monitor their own classroom behavior.
Before IDEA, students with disabilities where often denied which of the following?
Access to public education
Least Restrictive Environment
What is metacognition?
Learning about learning
Intervention strategies may include modifications in what areas. (name 1)
instructional procedures
classroom environment
Behavior that is described so that another person knows exactly what is meant is called which of the following
Operationally Defined
The law, passed in 1975, that first established rights of students with disabilities to a free, appropriate public education is which of the following?
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142)
What is the difference between inclusion and mainstreaming?
Mainstreaming students earn they way into general education classes; with inclusion the primary placement is the general education classroom.
Depression, social withdrawal, self-mutilation, and excessive fears are characteristics of
Emotional Disturbance
What is generalization?
The ability to transfer previous learning to new situations
What is a consequence?
Something that happens right after a behavior
Brittany is a student with disabilities who is placed in a fifth-grade classroom. She leaves her classroom and goes to a special education classroom for a certain time period in the day. Which model of special education services does this reflect?
Resource room services
What is the benefit of inclusion?
Answers may vary
Teaching students to make positive attributions about their behavior is a strategy recommended for what disability?
Emotional Disturbance
What is Collaborative learning?
A strategy in which students are assigned to small groups and work together to complete group activities
What is the difference between frequency and duration in data recording?
Frequency counts the number of times an event happens and duration measures if the event happened in a set time period.
Individualized Education Plan
What will you do to make sure you have a classroom that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusion?
Answers may vary
What is Behavioral Contracting?
Establishing a written agreement that formalizes the behaviors a student agrees to exhibit and the positive consequences
What is the purpose of a behavior intervention plan?
To increase appropriate behavior
Jose, who speaks English as a second language, took an English version of intelligence and achievement tests. His parents can find inconsistency with which of the following principles from IDEA?
Nondiscriminatory assessment