Today, it is raining very hard.
Yesterday, it _______ very hard.
Today, I am eating a burger.
Last night, I ______ a burger.
Before you touch your nose, touch your head and and ears.
1. Touch head and ears
2. Touch nose
He _____ running.
He IS running.
Make a sentence using: "and"
1. I like cats
2. I like dogs
I like cats and dogs.
Today, I am walking to school.
Last year, I ______ to school.
Last year, I WALKED to school.
Today, I am swimming in the lake.
Yesterday, I ______ in the lake.
Yesterday, I SWAM in the lake.
Before you clap wave, clap 2 times.
1. Clap 2 times
2. Wave
She ______ walking.
She IS walking.
Make a sentence: "or"
1. Do you like fish?
2. Do you like pizza?
Do you like fish or pizza?
Today, he is chasing the dog.
Yesterday, he ________ the dog.
Yesterday, he CHASED the dog.
Today, I am running outside.
Two weeks ago, I ____ outside.
Two weeks ago, I RAN outside.
After you jump 2 times, spin around and touch the ground.
1. Jump 2 times
2. Spin around and touch the ground.
They _______ singing.
They ARE singing.
Make a sentence: "but"
1. I washed my car today.
2. It started to rain.
I washed my car today, but it started to rain.
Today, she is hiking up the mountain.
Last week, she ______ up the mountain.
Last week, she HIKED up the mountain.
Today, she is catching the football.
Last week, she _______ the football.
Last week, she CAUGHT the football.
First, say your name. Then, say your favorite color and food.
1. Say name
2. Favorite color/food
I ______ laughing.
I AM laughing.
Make a sentence: "because"
1. I like when it rains.
2. It makes me feel happy.
I like when it rains because it makes me feel happy.
Today, they are jumping on the trampoline.
Two weeks ago, they _______ on the trampoline.
Two weeks ago, they JUMPED on the trampoline.
Today, I am finding the Easter eggs.
Last week, I ______ the Easter eggs.
Last week, I FOUND the Easter eggs.
After you say your favorite animal, tell us if you have a pet and his/her name.
1. Tell us your favorite animal
2. What is your pet's name
We _____ hugging
We ARE hugging.
Make a sentence: "if"
1. You will win the game.
2. You get the most points.
If you get the most points, you will win the game.