Simple Machines
Engineering Design Process
Engineering Design Scenarios

This is called...

What is a Screw?


Step 6 of the Engineering Design Process is ________.

What is Test Your Solution / Protoype? 


Name what step of the engineering design process is being displayed in this scenario:

Travis has sketched out three different ideas of a bridge he could build for a school project.

What is Step 3: Brainstorming Solutions? Travis is coming up with multiple ideas for his project. 


When drafting you must be able to measure different measurements. This measurement of the crayon reads ______ inches.

What is 3 7/8" ?


Hydraulic machines run on __________.

What is water, fluids, H2O, etc.?


This is an example of...

What is a level?


How many times do you have to complete step 7?

What is as many times as needed?


Name what step of the engineering design process is being displayed in this scenario:

Ronald knows he has to build a tower but is looking at its requirements before thinking of any ideas. He determined it must be at least 12" tall and hold 2 pounds for sixty seconds. 

What is Step 2: Research? Ronald is looking for the constraints or limitations he must uphold. 


This tool is called a ________________.

What is a compass?


Technology helps make our lives ____________.

What is Easier?


The two simple machines that make up this tool are:

What are a wedge and an inclined plane?


A person determines there are numerous constraints and limitations they must adhere to (follow) for their project. Are they Identifying and Defining the Problem or Researching the Problem?

What is Step 2: Researching the Problem?


Name what step of the engineering design process is being displayed in this scenario:

Ellie built a robot, but the robot will not turn due to incorrectly wiring the circuits. She has to figure out how to rewire them to make them turn. 

What is Step 7: Make Improvements? Ellie is going back to troubleshoot what is causing her robot not to work correctly and trying to fix it after testing it. 


This tool is called a _______________.

What is a T-Square?


Technology changes when human ________ changes.

What is needs?


The two simple machines make up this item...

What is a wheel and axel and a lever?


What does brainstorming solutions mean?

What is developing or thinking of different ideas that could solve the problem? There are always multiple ideas when brainstorming. 


Name what step of the engineering design process is being displayed in this scenario:

After a long process, Lily is planning on making a presentation to the school board on an idea she had to help boost student involvement in the community. 

What is Step 8: Share the Solution?


True or False: 1/2" is less than 8/16"

What is false? They are equal to each other. 


Give an example of a specific type of technology that has changed over time.

Multiple Answers


The three simple machines that make up this machine are...

What are a pulley, inclined plane, wheel and axel? 


If a person weighs the pros and cons of each solution they developed what step are they on in the Engineering Design Process?

What is Step 4: Planning it Out?


Name what step of the engineering design process is being displayed in this scenario:

Andrew thinks he decided how to build a model car that will use wind power to move at least ten feet. He thinks he needs to get a plastic fan/propeller, a couple of rubber bands, some wood, wood glue, screws, and some strings before he starts building. 

What is Step 4: Plan it Out? Andrew is creating a materials list for his project. 


If I am drawing in a 1/4" scale and I need to draft (draw) out a cube that is 3' wide the line would be _________ inches long.

Hint: 1/4" = 1'

What is 3/4" ?


Give an example of how technology has changed within a single culture. 

Multiple Answers
