Convention where states sent delegates to discuss changes to the Articles of Confederation.
Constitutional Convention
Series of essays explaining and defending the Constitution.
Why did New York, Virginia, North Carolina, and Rhode Island eventually agree to ratify the Constitution?
A bill of rights, which protected individual rights, was added to the Constitution.
Was the Articles of Confederation amended or thrown out?
Thrown out
What state is Disneyland in?
Compromise that said Congress could vote to ban slavery in 1808.
Slave Trade Compromise
Those who supported the new Constitution
States needed to ratify the Constitution for it to go into effect?
The winner of the 2020 Presidential election
Joe Biden
Which galaxy is Earth part of?
The Milky Way
Compromise that counted ⅗ of slave population towards direct taxes on states and determining representation.
3/5 Compromise
Considered the father of the US Constitution
James Madison
Two weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Who holds the world record for the most Olympic gold medals?
Michael Phelps
What are the four houses in the Harry Potter series?
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin
Country's First National Government
Articles for Confederation
First ten amendments in Constitution that states individual freedoms.
Bill of Rights
Give two parts of the Virginia Plan
2 house legislature
Representation based on population
3 branches of govt.
Chief executive chosen by legislative.
Who played Jack Dawson in the movie “Titanic”?
Leonardo DiCaprio
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
Those who opposed the new Constitution
Give two parts of the New Jersey Plan
One House Congress
1 Vote per State
Can Regulate
Executive Branch made up of more than one person
Give two parts of the Great Compromise
Roger Sherman
2 House leg.
Representatives based on pop.
Senate - equal rep. Among states.
What year did the first man land on the moon?
How many chambers does the human heart have?