What does the Bible say happened in the beginning?
God created the heavens and the earth
How many days did it take to create the Universe?
6 days
Who tricked Eve into eating the fruit?
The serpent
How did Adam and Eve feel when they knew they weren't clothed?
They felt afraid and ashamed
Where did Adam and Eve live in the beginning?
Who committed the very first sins?
What tree did God tell Adam and Eve not to eat from?
The tree of good and evil
Who named all the living creatures?
What were their clothes made of?
Animal skins
What was created on the Third Day?
Dryland, plants, fruits, veggies
What did God use to create Adam?
Dust from the ground
What did God use to create Eve?
Adam's Rib
What are the first words in the Bible?
In the beginning...
What did God say was not good for Adam to be?
What was created on the First Day?
Light, Earth and the planets
What makes man different from the animals?
Man is created in Gods image
What is the word that means God is all-powerful?
What happened when Adam and Eve ate the fruit?
They realized they were not clothed
What was the punishment of the serpent who tricked them?
He had to crawl on his belly and eat dirt forever
What day did God separate the sky from the sea?
The Second Day
How old is Earth?
About 6,000 years old
What book of the Bible is the story of Adam and Eve in?
What was the punishment God gave to Adam and Eve?
They got kicked out of the garden of Eden
Why did God put the forbidden tree in the garden?
To test their faith
When God breathed into Adam's nostrils what did he become?
A living soul