How many days of creation are there?
What material is Adam made of?
What word means all-powerful?
How many people are in the Trinity?
In which account is God creator?
What was God doing the first 3 days
Giving form
What material is Eve made of
Adam's rib
What word means all-knowing?
Who are the 3 persons of the Trinity?
The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit
In which account did God create gradually and in stages?
What was God doing in the next 3 days?
Filling the forms
Which came first Adam in the Garden or Naming the animals?
Adam in the Garden
What word means without beginning or end
What is the "nature" of something
It is "what" something is
Which account has the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
How did God create?
He spoke
What was Adam doing when he was naming the animals?
Looking for a helpmate
What word means goes beyond
What is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit's nature?
Explain the 2 tribes theory
2 tribes, each own story, when they combined they kept telling both stories
What did God say at the end of the 6th day?
It is very good.
What did Adam say when Eve was presented to him?
At Last...Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh
What Latin phrase means "out of nothing"?
ex nihilo
Name one aspect of God's nature
answers vary
Explain the same story theory
Same story but different focuses; 1st - all days and is the big picture;2nd - focuses on man