What did God bring forth on the first day of Creation?
"Adam" is the Hebrew word for what?
Who tempted Eve in the Garden?
The devil
The Latin phrase for "image of God," which reminds us of the dignity we were made for.
Imago Dei
For how many days and nights did it rain upon the earth?
What did God create to rule the sea and sky?
Fishes and Birds
The mother of all the living
What is the first question of the Lord to Adam and Eve after the Fall?
Where are you?
The gift of God that allows man to choose openly among various options, bearing the responsibility for those choices.
Free Will
What kind of gift to Abel give to the Lord?
Sheep/Lamb - "the firstlings of his flock"
The seventh day of Creation, in which God rested, is known as what?
The Sabbath
Jesus and Mary are sometimes referred to as what?
New Adam and New Eve
From what tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat?
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
What is the state of being that deprives us of original holiness, inherited from the sin of Adam?
Original Sin
What did God give man as a sign of his covenant with Noah's family?
From what did God create Adam, and from what did He create Eve?
Dust of the ground; a rib from Adam's side
After the Fall, what did Adam and Eve do?
Hid themselves from the Lord, felt shame, and blamed each other.
"Protoevangelium" implicitly describes what promise of God?
The promise to bring forth a Redeemer, one who will "strike the head" of the serpent.
A key component of human nature that separates us from "lower animals" is our ability to make connections and draw order in the world, using our powers of ___________.
Intellect (or reason)
What happened to Noah after the Flood?
He became drunk.
What responsibilities did God first give Man over his creation?
Be fruitful and multiply. Have dominion over the fish of the sea and birds of the air and over everything living thing.
How does Adam respond when he first sees Eve?
He responds with great joy - "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh."
What does the Lord place at the entrance to the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve are expelled?
A cherubim with a flaming sword. (Angel)
Man's inclination or tendency to sin (or to choosing the perceived good) is called what?
Cain left the presence of the Lord for the land of what?