Structures of Creation Myths
Popol Vuh
The Destruction of the Indies
Creation Myths and Stories
Charles Mann

The Iroquois myth, "The Woman Who Fell from the Sky," shows the world being created by a (blank) when Muskrat dives into the deep and brings up mud to make the world on a turtle's back.

What is Process of Earth Diving


The authors of the Popol Vuh are (blank).

Who is anonymous?

“They say they’re hiding their faces. They’re anonymous because they have to be. Scribes and members of the royal family were being targeted. They were being persecuted. In many cases, they were being killed.” Christenson in Video Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner


The Spanish treated the Natives (blank).

What is horrific?

The Spanish treated the natives poorly, forcing women, the elderly, and children into pits until they were gravely injured or succumbed to death.

“And thus, pregnant and nursing women and children and old persons and any others they might take, they would throw them into the holes until the pits were filled, the Indians being pierced through by the stakes, which was a sore thing to see, especially the women with their children.” Second Picture, Las Casas, Destruction of the Indies, 1542 (


According to the (blank), the world was created when the pregnant Sky Woman fell from the floating island in the sky to the vast ocean underneath.

What is the Iroquois Creation Story?

Birds and fish already existed, and they helped Sky Woman create the Earth by giving her soil to put on a giant turtle’s back. Iroquois Creation Myth, 1816 (


More than 200 years ago, the earth consisted of a single giant landmass, which scientists called (blank).

What is Pangaea?

Geological forces broke Pangaea up forever, separating the continents and forever separating the living creatures on those continents, including the peoples of those continents. Minute 0:14 of Video Charles C. Mann: 1492 Before and After - YouTube


Several creation stories show the world and humans going through (blank) before they reach the current world.

What is a State of Emergence?

These include the Navajo, "The Emergence,” the Mayan Popol Vuh, the Aztec, "The Creation Cycle," and the Irish, "Dagda the Good.” Archetypal Characters in Creation Myths.


Maya civilization begins around (blank), in what we call the pre-classic or formative period.

When was 700 BC?

By the end of the pre-classic era, the Mayans had the largest of all Maya sites, the El Mirador, probably the largest pyramid in the New World and perhaps the largest in the world in terms of bulk. Coe in Video Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner


Fray Bartolome de las Casa, a friar of Saint Dominic, went to the court of (blank) to persuade interference on behalf of the souls in the Indies.

What is Spain?

“I have great hope that the emperor and king of Spain, our lord Don Carlos, the fifth of that name, may come to understand (for until now, the truth has always been most industriously covered over) the acts of malice and treachery which have been and still are being done upon those nations and lands, against the will of God and his own, and that he may bring an end to so many evils and bring relief to that New World which God has given him, as the lover and cultivator, as he is of justice.” Last Paragraph, Las Casas, Destruction of the Indies, 1542 (


According to the (blank), Coatlicue was the mother of numerous gods and goddesses. The Earth Mother gathered a ball of hummingbird feathers and hid them under her skirt, becoming pregnant.

What is the Aztec Creation Myth?

Coatlicue’s existing children demanded to know the father of the baby. With no clear answer, her children pursued her, intent on killing her. Coatlicue’s baby was born just in time before she was cut in two with a flaming sword. Her top half became the moon, and her bottom half became the Earth. THE AZTEC CREATION MYTH - YouTube


(Blank) enters the body when a mosquito bites you.

What is Malaria?

After being infected with the malaria parasite, the single-cell creature learns to open red blood cells and tuck itself inside to reproduce. This process leaves the host feeling extremely ill. The mosquito can then go off and bite another person, infecting them. Minute 31:55 in Video Charles C. Mann: 1492 Before and After - YouTube


The (blank) floating “safely upon the waters of the boundless ocean” in the Hindu, “The Creation, Death and Rebirth of the Universe.”

What is the World Begins as an Egg?

Watch the sunrise at the beach sometime. As the sun rises from the waters, it looks like a red egg and seems to float on the surface. Then, it slowly opens to reveal the sun’s rays.


The Popol Vuh, a book of myths about the Quiche Mayans, is divided into (blank) parts.

What is five?

The first contains an account of the world's creation and the failed attempts to produce proper human beings. The second and third contain the adventures of the Hero Twins, Hunahpu, and Xbalanque. The last two parts deal with the issue of creating humans from corn and then tell the story of the Quiche people from the days before their history began. Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner


For political and religious reasons, including the evidence from Las Casas, King Charles issued the (blank) in 1542.

What are the New Laws of the Indies?

The new laws were meant to moderate the treatment of the Indians. However, most colonial officials opposed and ignored the New Laws in Spanish America. Footnote Page 3, Las Casas, Destruction of the Indies, 1542 (


The (blank) begins with a First World of darkness. From this Dark World, the Dine started a journey of emergence into the present world.

What is the Navajo Emergence Myth?

It had four corners, and over these appeared four clouds. These four clouds contained within themselves the elements of the First World. The Navajo Emergence Myth - YouTube


Located in Central Mexico, (blank) was known as the capital of the Aztec Empire.

What is Tenochtitlan?

In a kind of artificially enlarged lake in Central Mexico, a series of islands were built up, and the city was built on top of them. The largest in the center, reaching outward. Tenochtitlan was larger than Venice, with an estimated 220,000 people living in and around the city. Minute 3:36 of Video Charles C. Mann: 1492 Before and After - YouTube


Some myths begin in a (blank) where there might be some water and possibly a sky, but nothing else. It is usually dark, and a god or goddess brings light.

What is a State of Nothingness or Chaos?

We see life coming from nothingness in the Polynesian, "The Creation of the Universe and the Gods," when the world begins with "nothing but an idea" (352) and in "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe," according to the Norse, where nothing existed but the void, which was Ginnungagap (461), and in "The Origin of Life and Fire," from Zaire, where "only water existed, unseen in the darkness" (515), until Bumba, the creator god vomits up the sun.


The first appearance of the Hero Twins in the Popol Vuh text is the account of Seven Macaw. Who is big, huge (blank)?

What is a parrot?

“This is just when there was a trace of early dawn on the face of the earth. There was no sun, but there was one who magnified himself. Seven Macaw is his name, and he is a vain, prideful bird with bejeweled eyes and teeth who sets himself up as even more important than the creator.” Ritchie and Rocca in Video Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner


The cause for which the Christians have slain and destroyed so many and such an infinite number of souls was to obtain the Indians (blank).

What is gold?

They began raiding the villages of the Natives and killed everyone they came across. As their ultimate end, the Indians’ gold of them, and to stuff themselves with riches in a few days and raise themselves to high estates. Paragraph 3 Page 3, Las Casas, Destruction of the Indies, 1542 (


According to the (blank), in the beginning, there was no earth, no water, no sun, or no light. There was only a man known as the Doctor of the Earth. He fashions the Earth from his own skin and creates and sets the sun, moon, stars, humans, and Vulture into motion.

What is the Pima Creation Story?

The Pima creation is followed by a flood provoked by progressively abnormal sexual activities. The Pima Creation Story - Early American Lit--Honors (


Northern Europe's cold snap from roughly 1550 to roughly 1800 is called the (blank).

What is the Little Ice Age?

A 250-year cold snap blanketed Northern Europe with snow often credited for decreased carbon dioxide and increased Native deaths. Minute 15:34 in Video Charles C. Mann: 1492 Before and After - YouTube


In some myths, there is a (blank), as we see in the Greek creation story, where the earth is the goddess, Gaia, and the sky is the god, Uranus. They come together to create the world. Gaia is also the maternal mound, as all life springs from her.

What is the Separation of World Parents?

The separation of world parents occurs in the Egyptian myth when Nut and Re are separated and Re curses his wife because she “made love to her brother, Geb” (15). Creation occurs when the god Thoth figures out a way to circumvent Re’s curse so that Nut can deliver her babies, the gods of Egypt.


The (blank) book of creation, the dawn of life, and the glories of gods and kings. Quiche chroniclers saved This magnificent epic from destruction at the hands of the Spanish.

What is the Mayan?

Once repressed, the story is now interwoven with the history of today’s Mayan people. Featured speakers include archeologist Richard Hanson, humorist Mo Rocca, and Guatemalan artist Shuni Giron. Paragraph 1 Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner


De Las Casas creates a (blank) tone in his writing.

What is protective?

Las Casas thinks of himself as a protector of the natives. He uses larger and scarier words to set a tone that portrays the violence of the conquistadors toward the natives. He uses this language to show his anger at how the conquistadors treated the Natives.


The (blank) teaches the earth is a grand floating island in a sea of water. At each of the four corners is a cord hanging down from the sky, made of solid rock.

What is the Cherokee Creation Story?

When the world grows old and worn out, the cords will break, and the earth will sink into the ocean.


The enslaved Chinese people brought with them to Europe a blight affecting the growth of (blank).

What are Potatoes?

The immediate cause of the European famine of the 1840s was the potato blight. The blight, imported from the Americas on slave ships, was first seen in June 1845 in Belgium. Minute 23:26 Charles C. Mann: 1492 Before and After - YouTube
