Bible Verses 1
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 3 cont.

Fill in the Blank:

" The ___ declare the glory of ___, and the sky above proclaims his ______. " Psalm 19:1

" The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. " Psalm 19:1


Why did God create everything?

God created everything for His glory and our good.


Who were Cain and Abel and what story is written about them in the bible?

They were the sons of Adam & Eve. Cain and Abel both brought offerings to God. God only accepted Abel's offering because Abel had faith in God. Cain became very jealous of Abel and he murdered his brother, Abel. God punished Cain for his sin.


Who is in control of everything?

God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth. Nothing is outside of God's good plan.


Why did God allow Joseph to suffer in as a slave and in prison for something he didn't do?

So Joseph could help save many people from the famine that would happen. God had a plan for Joseph's life. He allowed Joseph to suffer in order to rescue a whole nation. God planned for Jesus to suffer so that many people who be saved.


Fill in the blank:

" for all have _______ and fall short of the _____ of God." ______ 3:23

" for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23


Who am I?

I am Lord over all creation.

I have always existed.

I created everything and everything was created for me. 

I hold everything together.

All of creation exist to bring me glory.

Jesus the Son of God


What does it mean to sin?

To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands. BONUS: What are some examples of sin?


Who was Abraham?

He was a descendant of Noah and he lived in a place called Haran until God asked him to leave his land and family. Abraham had faith in God. God gave Abraham several promises. One of the promises was to give him a son. Although, Abraham and his wife Sarah could not have children for a long time, God gave them a son named Isaac when Abraham and Sarah were very old.


What did Abraham do when God asked him to sacrifice his one and only son Isaac?

Abraham obeyed God. Abraham believed that God could rise Isaac from the dead. God sent an angel to stop him and provided a ram for sacrifice instead. Abraham showed His love for God by being willing to sacrifice His son Isaac. God provided a ram instead. This is how God showed His love for us. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we could have eternal life through Him.


Say Psalm 19:1 from memory.

" The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. " Psalm 19:1


How did God create everything?

He spoke it into existence.


What were some of the consequences of sin for Adam, Eve, and the serpent?

Adam would have to work really hard for food and the earth would produce weeds. Eve would give birth in pain. The serpent would be cursed and crawl on his belly, there would be constant conflict between the children of the serpent and the children of Adam & Eve, and the serpent would eventually be defeated by one of Eve's descendants.

BONUS: What are some of the consequences of sin we see in the world today?


How did God bless the whole world through Abraham?

God promised to bless all the world through Abraham. God sent Jesus to be born on earth into Abraham's family. Through Jesus, all the nations of the earth are blessed because Jesus saves people from their sins.


What promise did God give in this verse?

'I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” '

He promised to send a savior through Eve's descendants that would defeat Satan. Jesus was a descendant of Eve. He was born into this world as a human. He lived a perfect life, died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins, and was resurrected on the third day, and now sits at the right hand of God.


Fill in the blank:

"For I know that the ____ is ____, and that our Lord is ____ all gods, Whatever the LORD ____, he does, in ___ and on ___, in the ____ and all the ____." Psalm 135:5-6

"For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods, Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the deeps." Psalm 135:5-6


Before sin entered the world, what did all of creation have in common? (Hint: read Genesis 1: 4, 10, 12, 18, 20, 24)

It was good! God saw everything that He made was good.


Who did Adam and Eve's sin spread to?

Adam and Eve's sin and its consequences spread to all of their descendants. 

BONUS: What was God's plan to save everyone from their sins?


Abraham was a person that God chose to become a special group of people called the Israelites. His wife was named Sarah. What three promises did God make to Abraham?

God promised to give Abraham new land, to make him into a great nation, and to bless him and the whole world through him.


What was the story of Jacob and Esau? What did God do for Jacob?

Jacob tricked his dad and brother into getting the firstborn blessing. God changed Jacob's life and gave him a new name, Israel. From Jacob's descendants God would bring Jesus into the world. Jesus came so that we might have a changed life, forgiven of sin. Jesus' death and resurrection provided sinful people the way to be adopted in God's family. When we trust in Jesus, we also receive a new name--Children of God.


What do we learn about God in this verse?

"For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods, Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the deeps." Psalm 135:5-6

God is great, He is above everyone and everything else, he has power to do everything, he is in control of everything.


What is God's glory?

It is how big, powerful, awesome, beautiful, perfect, wise, holy God is. We glorify God when we appreciate and show others those things about him. BONUS: What are some ways we can glorify God?


Because there was so much sin on the earth, God sent a flood to punish the world. God showed grace to Noah and his family because of their faith in him and saved them from the flood by telling Noah to build an ark. Everyone who was in the ark was safe from the punishment of the flood. What is this a symbol/example of for us?

Hint: We are all sinners and deserve a punishment for our sins. Just like everyone who was in the ark was safe from the punishment of the flood, everyone who ________ is saved from their sins.

Just like everyone who was in the ark was safe from the punishment of the flood; Everyone who repents of their sins and believes in Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord is saved. The ark was a symbol of Jesus.


What does the name Melchizedek mean?

King of righteousness. Melchizedek reminds us of Jesus an even greater priest and king who lives forever. Jesus died on the cross and rose again to bless all who trust in Him by providing forgiveness and eternal life.


How did Job react to the suffering that he went through?  

He trusted in God and was faithful to Him. Job learned that God is all powerful and good. When we face suffering, we can hope in God. God sent Jesus to suffer and die so that everyone who trusts in him can have forgiveness and eternal life.
