What God created on the 1st day
(will accept night and day)
Issac's children
Who were: Jacob and Esau
_____ _____ found Moses in a basket in the river
Who was: Pharaoh's daughter (or the Princess of Egypt)
Before he led the Israelite's, Joshua was Moses's ___
What is: aid (or helper)
People who God sent to lead Israel in righteous living
Who were: Judges
The tree God told Adam not to eat from
What is: The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
What is: Birthright
Why God told Moses to take off his sandals at the burning bush
What is: Because the ground in which he stood on was holy
God told Joshua to be. . .
What is: Strong and courageous
The group of people the Israelites did not get rid of in the land God gave the Israelites
Who were: the Canaanites
Why Caine hated Abel
God accepted Abel’s offering and not his; he was jealous of Abel
The brother who tried to protect Joseph from being killed by the rest of his brothers.
Who was: Reuben
The first supernatural sign God showed Pharaoh through Moses and Aaron?
What is: Aaron dropped his staff on the ground and it turned into a snake
Rahab and her family were saved during the Israelite attack because. . .
The cycle of sin the Israelites were constantly in because of their disobedience to God
What is: 1) Sinned/served false God 2) God handed them over to their enemies 3) Israelites cry out to God 4) God sends a Judge to save them and they have peace for a number of years 5) Would go back into sin
What is: The rainbow
While at Potiphar's house, the Lord was with Joseph, so he ______ in everything he did
(will accept successful)
Exodus 14:14
What is: "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still."
He was the only one (other than Joshua) who believed God could give them the land of Canaan
Who was: Caleb
The 3rd judge
Who was: Shamgar
Abraham was made righteous by God because ___
What is: he believed God's promise
(or had faith in God's promise; will not accept "believed" or "had faith" alone)
The brother Joseph gave 5 times as much food to at the feast Joseph held for his brothers
Who was: Benjamin
The Passover connects to ______ in the future
Who is: Jesus
7 days
The commander of the Canaanites was not delivered into Barak's hands but into the hands of:
What is: A woman