In the beginning ____ created the heavens and the earth.
Who is God?
The day light was created.
What is Day 1?
Name something God created on day three that begins with an L?
What is land? or anything else that works
What did God create on day 4?
What is light in the heavens? stars, sun, etc
Name what was created on day 6
What are land animals
And God said, "Let there be _____,"
What is light?
The day the waters were separated.
What is day 2?
Name 5 things God created on day 3
What is ?
Name 3 things God created on day 4.
What are sun, moon, stars?
Name what was created on day 5.
What is air and water animals?
darkness was over the _______ of the deep
What is surface?
What is day 1?
What is taste fruit or plant seed?
What are the 2 great lights the Bible states are to give light to the earth?
What are the sun and the moon?
Name 5 things created on day 5
What are?
Now the earth was ______ and empty
What was separated on day 2?
What is water?
Name the 2 main things God created on Day 3.
What is land and plants?
Name one thing the lights in the sky help mark?
What are sacred times, days, years?
Name 6 things created on day 6.
What are?
and the Spirit of God was _____ over the waters
What is hovering?
The word used in the Bible that starts with an f and means the heavens or the sky.
God created plants _____ ______ after their own kind.
What is bearing seeds?
Name what the great lights were to separate.
What is the day from the night?
What was created in God's image?
Who is mankind?