Coping Skills 1
Emotional Wellness
Coping Skills 2
Coping Skills 3

What is an iso-principle playlist?

An individualized playlist used to help regulate emotions (i.e. change from negative emotions to positive emotions)


True or false: Perceiving "problems" as an opportunity for growth is NOT a part of emotional wellness

False! Perceiving "problems" as an opportunity for growth IS part of emotional wellness


What is a benefit of using a mood tracker to identify your mood?

Keep track of your moods over short or long periods of time, helps identify emotions, provides a space for you to reflect on your emotions, helps identify any triggers during a certain period of time


Name 2 ways we tracked our moods during the emotional wellness unit.

Mood journals, check boxes, verbally, using art, emojis, short-term (from beginning to end of the session), and long-term (over the course of a couple weeks)


Name 3 topics physical wellness includes.

Diet, sleep, physical activity, illness, alcohol/tobacco use, prescription use, going to the doctor as needed


Name and demonstrate 1 music and deep breathing technique that we used in class.

5-finger breathing, square breathing, or mindful breathing


What is the opposite BASIC EMOTION of scared?



True or False: An iso-principle playlist can be used for de-escalation purposes (to calm oneself)

True! Iso-principle playlists can be used to help de-escalate oneself.


What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?

Tensing and releasing of the muscles of your body to music 


True or False: Social Wellness includes building and maintaining healthy relationships with others.



Name 3 music-based coping skills that we covered during emotional wellness.

Music and Art, Music and Relaxation, Music and Deep Breathing, Instrument-Playing or Singing to express emotions, creating an iso-principle playlist  


True or False: "I have a sense of control in my life and am able to adapt to change" is an important part of emotional wellness. 

TRUE! Having a sense of control in your life and the ability to adapt to change IS an important part of your emotional wellness.


Describe how you could use music and art on the dorm as a coping skill.

Use MP3 or headphones and listen to music while coloring, drawing, or scribbling to the music


Name 3 ways you can use art as a music-based coping skill.

Coloring, scribbling, drawing, painting, etc.


True or False: Social Wellness does NOT include establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries with others.

FALSE! It does include establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries with others.


What are 2 benefits of using music and mindfulness as a coping skill?

1. Helps calm your mind

2. Helps relax your body


Name the positive, opposite emotion of...

Sad to ________ & Mad to ________.

Sad to happy

Mad to calm


Describe how you could use music and mindfulness on the dorm.

Listen to calming music using headphones or a CD player while you sit comfortably and notice the sounds around you, how your body feels, and your breathing.


Why is it important to listen to music that you enjoy when practicing music-based coping skills?

Listening to music that you enjoy helps you to relax, de-stress, and de-escalate. Listening to music that you don't like might make you more tense, stressed, or escalated.


Define wellness

the quality or state of being healthy in BODY and MIND


What is a benefit of creating and using an iso-principle playlist?

Helps regulate emotions

Move from negative to positive moods


Name the 6 MOST BASIC emotions that we put on our class emotional wellness wheel.

(i.e. on the inner-most part of our wheel)

Mad, calm, happy, sad, strong, scared


Explain the process of creating an iso-principle playlist (Give a step-by-step description).

1. Create emotions wheel (or identify basic emotions and more intense emotions)

2. Determine opposite emotions

3. List songs that match each emotion

4. Listen to the playlist in order from negative to positive emotion (i.e. sad to happy)


During the Mindful Music Listening activity, we picked out musical elements to listen for. Name 3 musical elements that we listened for during this activity. 

lyrics, tempo, melody, harmony, singer's voice, instruments, rhythm


Name 4 out of 7 domains of wellness

Physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, intellectual, social, financial
