In our first lesson we learned a good short story needs these three things.
What are characters, setting, plot?
When writing this it is important to include the name of the author, title of the book, plot summary and your opinion.
What is a book report?
"She is as happy as a pig in mud." Is an example of this literary device.
What is a simile
C uddly and fun
A lways by your side
T abbies are my favourite.
This is an example of what type of poetry?
What is acrostic
Tall Tales often use this literary device. "Paul Bunyan could cut 100 trees with one chop of his ax." "I am so hungry I could eat a horse." are both examples.
What is hyperbole?
We learned that by the ending of our story our problem must have this.
What is a solution?
A traditional informational essay normally has this many paragraphs.
What is 5 paragraphs.
This is the main difference between similes and metaphors.
What is the use of 'like' or 'as.'
When you write a poem in the shape of the thing you are describing or in any shape.
What is a concrete poem?
A type of story that takes place in a real time and place but has fictional characters.
What is historical fiction?
When the narrator of a story is using the pronouns 'He' 'She' and 'They' the story is written in ...
What is third person?
In an informative essay these paragraphs are the first and last paragraphs.
What are the introduction and conclusion paragraphs.
"It's raining cats and dogs" is an example of this literary device.
What are idioms?
"The flowers showed their faces and smiled at the sun. They had been waiting for the clouds to clear and allow some nourishment." This is an example of...
What is personification?
A type of story that often has regular people do extraordinary things or they travel to impossible places (setting and character development are often key to these stories).
What are fantasy stories?
I am always telling you that the best details to add for your reader to picture the setting are these.
What are sensory details?
In an opinion essay we use the final paragraph as a chance to ...
What is restate our main points.
These types of words are essential to create vivid images in the readers mind.
What are adjectives?
This type of poem has 3 lines with a careful number of syllables in each.
What is a Haiku?
Dialogue, tension and cliff hangers are often characteristic of this type of writing.
What is mystery writing?
When the narrator of a story uses the pronouns 'I' or 'We' we call this narrator in the ....
What is 'first person.'
When writing a persuasive essay we can use these three devices that we learned about in class. One of them is ethos. What are the other two?
What are pathos and logos.
This is very useful in our writing to give access for the reader to the characters thoughts and any past experiences. It helps to make the motivations of the characters more clear.
What is dialogue?
What is onomatopoeia?
Characters that are gods or demi-gods are often characteristic to this genre of story.
What is a myth?