Types of Notes
Common Red Xs
Assessment Docs
Intake & Discharge

This note is completed when meeting with the family.

What is an IHT/TT&S Encounter Note?


This is the abbreviation you'll when when a supervisor needs to sign off on your note.

What is "sig sup?"


Youth with these insurance plans don't need to complete a CANS, and only need a CA every 6 months.

What is BCBS and Optum?


These are the 2 types of authorizations we request from BCBS.

What are IHT and ICC auths?


These are the 2 forms that need to be completed in Qualtrics and uploaded to Credible.

What are the Face Sheet and Completion Summary Form?


When writing a consult note, these people need to be accounted for among those present.

Who is everybody  - clinicians, collaterals, and/or family.


When providing a telehealth session, this is the "location of service" that should be chosen on the sign/submit page.

What is "Dedham-Tele?"


This is the party responsible for uploading a completing CANS to Credible from the Virtual Gateway.

Who is the billing team?


This is the type of BCBS note that should be used when responding to an acute crisis within or outside of session.

What is a BHCA MCI note?


When scheduling an intake with the family, the clinician should immediately sign the family up to this service on Credible.

What is the client portal?


All notes are due no later than Saturdays, but this is the timeframe in which all notes need to be fully completed.

What is within 48 hours of the service?


Optum clients need this extra step to be taken on the sign/submit page.

What is choosing "supervisor as rendering?"


For MassHealth youth, these are the 3 documents that are due within the first 21 days of service and then every 90 days thereafter.

What are the CANS, CA, IAP?


This is the type of note that should be used for documenting collateral contact of any type of length.

What is a BHCA Consult Note?


This document is reviewed with families during intake and is linked to forms that are signed within the intake form group.

What is the Consumer Orientation Manual?


This is the minimum number of signatures that needs to be included at the end of an encounter note.

What is three (clinician x2, family member)?


At the end of an encounter note is a button that says Complete - and this is the only time you should click that button.

What is when the entire note is 100% filled out as needed?


This is the section of the CA and IAP where the supervisor and clinician communicate about needed or completed changes for the document.

What is the Multi-Disciplinary Team/MDT Section?


Generally speaking, this is the total amount of time, including when 2 clinicians are billing, that should be dedicated for a family session.

What is 2 hours?


Generally speaking, these are all the activities and documents that clinicians complete with families for the discharge process?

What are the discharge FAD, discharge trauma screener, IHT Discharge on Credible, Our Plan for Difficult Times, the Family Satisfaction Survey, and Completion Summary Form?


This is the difference between when to fill out a Clin Doc NB Note and a Care Coordination Note.

What is 1+ service adding up to fewer than 8 mins  = CDNB, and 2+ individual services each fewer than 8 mins but together add up to 8+ minutes = CC?


When entering a doc bill note for completing a CANS, these 2 task needs to be completed first.

What is completing the CANS on the Virtual Gateway and completing the first section of the CANS assessment service?

Once a clinician finishes writing a CA or IAP, these are the next steps they taken to obtain all needed signatures.

What is: 1) ask PD to review, 2) once PD approves, sign, 3) bring to family to sign, 4) alert PD all signatures have been gathered.


This is what a clinician would say to a BCBS UR when requesting a reauth for ICC services.

What is, I am leading care coordination and referrals?


When working on the intake form group, clinicians also need to add information to the youth's profile. Name three of the X sections on the navigation bar.

What are Family, Allergy, Medical Profile, Medications, Warnings, External Care Providers, Contact info, Diagnosis (maybe), and Client Episodes.
