The number of main characters in the syllabic chart
What is 36?
The Treaty Territory for Maskwacis.
What is Treaty 6?
The Cree word for Food.
What is mîciwin?
The Cree word for Animal.
What is, pisiskiw?
The Cree word for Body.
What is, Miyaw?
The sound these syllabics make ᐊ ᐁ ᐃ ᐅ
What is, a, e , i and o?
The year Treaty 6 was signed.
What is 1876?
The berry that is good for your heart.
What is mitêhimin or What is strawberry?
The animal that is in the word Maskwacis.
What is bear?
The body part used to see.
What is miskîsik? or What is the eye?
The being that these syllabics represent ᓇ ᓀ ᓂ ᓄ
What is coyote spirit?
He signed Treaty 6 for Maskwacis
Who is Chief Bobtail ᑭᐢᑭᔪ Kiskiyo, also known as Alexis Piche?
The berry that is cancer fighting when crushed.
What is takwahiminânâ or What are chokecherries?
The animal that uses their teeth to cut down trees to build their homes.
What is amisk? or What is the beaver?
The body part used to smell with.
What is mikot? or What is the nose?
The number of rows in the syllabic chart
What is 9?
Chief Bobtail signed Treaty 6 on this year.
What is 1877?
The liquid we grew in for 9 months.
What is nipîy?
The animal that was the main food source of our ancestors.
What is paskwâwi-mostos? What is the buffalo?
The part of the body that continues to grow even after cut and is considered sacred.
What is mêscakâsa? or What is hair?
The Cree word ᐊᐘᓯᐢ translated to English
What is child?
The Cree word for Treaty.
What is tipahamatowin?
The Cree word for table.
What is mîcisowinâhtik?
The elders used this animal to help protect them from Covid.
What is sikâk? or What is the skunk?
This body part is needed to pump the blood.
What is mitêh? or What is the heart?