These traditionally hibernate during the Winter.
Kekway Muskwak ?
These are the Caregivers and Matriarchs of each family.
Kekway kohkomwak?
These were used to carry the peoples' belongings when the Camp was moved to follow the herds.
Kekway Akotapan? travois
This is a citrus fruit.
Kewkay osawaw?
Who are you?
Owina Kıya?
These typically spawn in the waters and lakes.
Kekway kinosewak?
These are the Warriors and Protectors of the Family.
Kekway Napewak?
These were used to transport hay for sale to the town. They had four large spindled wheels pulled by a horse.
Kekway newokatew?
The Potato in Plains Cree is this.
Kekway Nepotakwak ?
I am from Mistawasis Nehiyawak.
Tante ohci kiya?
These have huge antlers that weigh 25 - 30 lbs and are four to five feet wide.
Kekway mooswak?
These are the Lifegivers of the Nation.
Kekway Iskwewak?
These are used to travel long distances and have names like Ford, Dodge, GMC.
Kekway sekhipisak?
There are two types of this berry- low bush and high bush.
Kekway nipiminana ?
Round dances are our Ancestors dancing.
Kekway anima Waskasimowin?
These have a wingspan of 6.5 feet.
Kekway Kihewak?
These are the children in our families.
Kekway Awasisak ?
Cowboys use this to transport their horses from rodeo to rodeo.
Kekway misatim kinotakisiw?
These are skirts adorned with satin ribbons across the bottom.
Kekway Senipan-kiskasakay?
We hold Feasts to feed our Ancestors.
Kekway oma Wikhokew?
This animal's average height is 1.4- 1.9 metres tall.
Kekway mistatimwak?
These are the Knowledge Keepers, the Ones who teach the younger people our ways.
Kekway Mosomak?
These are used by people to go down the waterways in.
Kekway osiwak?
Powwow Dancers carry these into the Grand Entry in their hand.
Kekway wewestehaman?
This is how we say I Love You to everyone in Cree.
Kekway Ki-Sakotinawawak?