Sure Thing
Taylor Swift
Travis Kelsey
Go Bucks

Date PGP is due and meeting with administration is completed (if your in a non full-cycle evaluation)

What is September 30th


Who sends calendar invites for PGP, pre-conference, formal observation, PGP mid-year review, PGP end-of-year review

Who is the staff member. Admin will send out reminders, but it is the staff member's responsibility to send calendar invite. 


Who is responsible for student data and knowing where students are

ALL staff who have connections to that student (i.e General Ed, IS, Title) should all be on the same page if servicing the student= Co-ownership


What is the name for a RIMP 

Reading Improvement Monitoring Plan


What is the #1 key ingredient to getting a student on grade level and staying there

Strong, purposeful, scaffolded core instruction 


What is MTSS

2x bonus- what does it mean

Mulit-tiered systems of support

A comprehensive framework that focuses on social-emotional, behavior, academics, attendance, etc.  Data is used from all areas to match needed supports for students


What was our proficient rating for ELA last year (3rd grade)

What was our proficient passer rating for Math last year (3rd grade)




If a student is "not getting it," do we stray way from our adopted curriculum and seek other resources from different sites, curriculums, etc

No, we use the curriculum we have and exhaust of all avenues within in the curriculum, scaffolding, etc. 


Where should student non-consumable Amplify materials NOT be stored

student desks, cubbies, lockers, or cabinets


If additional resources for Amplify are needed (post-it-notes, note cards, markers, etc), where should those be requested from first

Building administration 


When it comes to two-way communication with families, parents, or stakeholders, should Dojo be the only means of communication

No, we should seek to build strong relationships with all stakeholders by utilizing two-communication via face-to-face, phone calls, video conferencing


When requesting a personal day, what are the steps to take

1. Put request into SCview 7 days in advance, unless an emergency situation

2. Let Ross and Ami know asap

3. Work on securing a sub


When should a stakeholder get finger printed in order to volunteer

When they will be alone with individual students or have groups of students without the supervision of a certified staff member


If going for a jog, playing with students outside, riding a scooter down the hallway, hooping it up the gym, etc- what should you do first

Sign a district waiver


When considering retention for a student, what are the steps required in the process

1. Evidence of data showing student is not performing at expected level

2. Evidence of Tiered plans (2 & 3)

3. Hold meeting with Principals, Michelle B, Intervention Specialist, Reading Specialist to discuss pros/cons of retention

4. Completed Light's Retention Scale (Michelle B)

5. See Principals with concerns

6. Discussion with family, prior to mentioning retention


What are the 3 states of a dysregulated student/adult when experiencing stress/fear

Fight- anger, yell/scream, attack, curse, disrespect, blame, insult

Flight- run, panic, hide, avoid

Freeze- silence, confusion, shut down, comply, feel sick


What is the key component when working with a dysregulated student/adult

Remain calm, caring, and rational

* When working with a dysregulated individual, we must realize that our response to his/her dysregulated behavior will either increase his/her escalated state or help de-escalate the individual back into a regulated state. 

* Do not let anger control the situation.....don't take things personally


If a student makes a threat towards another student, what steps do you take

1. Notify Megan and Administration immediately

2. PSW referral asap

3. Be able to provide as many details as possible

If a student makes a threat towards themselves, what steps do you take

1. Notify Julie, Megan, and/or Administration immediately.

2. PSW referral asap

3. Provide as many details as possible


What are the testing window dates for gifted referrals


September 25, 2023 - November 17, 2023


January 22, 2024 - April 19, 2024


Name the 5-steps within a 5-step process

1- Collect and chart data

2- Analyze student work (what does the data tell us?)

3- Decide on shared expectations, strategy, and implementation

4- Plan for implementation and monitoring 

5- Collect, chart, and analyzed pre/post assessment data to determine impact


Name district/building meeting norms for (TBT, BLT, parent meeting, MTSS, all other meetings)

Meeting Norms:

  1. Be on time
  2. Be prepared with data submitted/laptop/student artifacts
  3. Fully participate
  4. Refrain from side-bar conversations
  5. Focus on what is in our control

What should all General Education and Intervention Specialist review and know prior to the start of the school year in regards to students on IEPs

IEP goals

IEP accommodations/modifications

Who is tracking what data

Service plan delivery (same page)


According to 2023-2024 building data, how many students are On Track according to AIMSWeb

According to 2023-2024 building data, how many student are Not On Track according to AIMSWeb




When looking at AIMSWeb ORF (oral reading fluency), how many students are on track according to the spring assessment

When looking at AIMSWeb ORF (oral reading fluency), how many students are NOT on track according to the spring assessment


