Being Homeless
Imaginary Friends

What did Jackson use to solve the problem with feet when living in the car?

a) A TV box

b) A sheet

c) A pillow

e) A stuffed animal

a) A TV box

pg. 101-102


Which statement describes Aretha?

a) She was a Labrador mutt

b) She was named after a famous singer

c) She could see/sense Crenshaw

d) She had to go to the vet's after eating a disposable diaper

e) All of the above

e) All of the above


Which of the following statements applied to Jackson?

a) He was named after his grandpa

b) His favorite book is Harry Potter

c) He stole a yo-yo when he was younger

d) He was allergic to cats

e) All of the above

c) He stole a yo-yo when he was younger


When Jackson was living in the car, what did he feel whenever he saw Crenshaw?

a) Sadness because he didn't have a real friend

b) Satisfaction that he didn't need any other friends

c) Hope that things would get better

d) Guilt that he had a friend with him

e) Embarrassment because Crenshaw wouldn't go away

e) Embarrassment because Crenshaw wouldn't go away


Why did Jackson invent cerealball?

a) To waste food

b) To practice basketball

c) To forget about being hungry

d) To use up stale food

e) It didn't say in the book

c) To forget about being hungry



Why didn't Jackson's dad want to ask for help?

a) He didn't want to accept anyone's handouts

b) He thought it was their problem to solve

c) It would mean they had failed

d) All of the above

d) All of the above


Which statement describes Robin?

a) She was named after a bird

b) Her favorite book was "Lyle Lyle Crocodile

c) She was worried about living in a car without a refrigerator

d) She decided she wanted to be a librarian

e) All of the above

e) All of the above


What did Jackson's principal call him?

a) An old soul

He meant that Jackson seemed wise beyond his age. He acted older than he actually was...

pg. 72


What type of food did Jackson associate with Crenshaw?

a) Cheerios

b) Bagels

c) Cookies

d) Milk

e) Purple jelly beans

e) Purple jelly beans


After living in their car for four days, what happened to Jackson's family?

a) The purse of Jackson's mom was stolen

b) A policeman gave them information on places to get help

c) A policemen gave them $20

d) Jackson learned that they don't accept pets at homeless shelters

e) All of the above

e) All of the above

pg. 109-112


According to Jackson's dad, they weren't homeless, they were just...

a) withour a house

b) staying in a house with wheels

c) in between houses

d) car camping

e) unhoused

d) car camping 

pg. 104


Why did Jackson's dad lose his job building houses?

a) He injured himself on the job

b) He had to quit when he found out that he had multiple sclerosis

c) He was fired

d) His boss didn't like him

b) He had to quit when he found out that he had multiple sclerosis

pg. 41


What did Jackson steal from the pet store?

Why did it end up not being worth it to steal it?

Jackson stole a dog cookie.

Aretha didn't want to eat it so Jackson stole it for nothing and ended up throwing it away.

pg. 164-165, 197


What did Marisol buy from Jackson?

a) A stuffed cat that looked like Crenshaw

b) A clay statue of Crenshaw

c) A dog cookie that looked like Crenshaw

d) A notebook drawing of Crenshaw

b) A clay statue of Crenshaw

Marisol wanted to name the statue Crenshaw. Jackson wondered how she knew about Crenshaw.

pg. 174-183


After Jacksons dad could not find work and they lost most of their money, which TWO things did he do?

a) He finally applied for assistance

b) he contacted one of his friends for help

c) He robbed a grocery store

d) He sold his car

e) He played guitar for tips

a) He finally applied for assistance

e) He played the guitar for tips

pg. 113-123


Where did Jackson's family go to wash up when they were living in their car?

It had air conditioning, soft chairs, and a clean bathroom.

A public library

pg. 106-107


Who was Marisol?

What kind of business did she have with Jackson?

Marisol was Jackson's neighbor and best friend.

They had a dog walking business.


What did Jackson want to be when he grew up?

Jackson wanted to be an animal scientist.


Name 3 places or times Jackson saw Crenshaw in the novel.

* At the beach

* On a highway when Crenshaw was skateboarding

* In his bathtub taking a bubble bath

* In Jackson's bedroom

* Riding on top of their car

* Walking to school

* At the new apartment


How did Jackson feel about his family's money problems?

How did Jackson's parents find out how he was really feeling?

Jackson didn't want to live in the car again, he wanted to run away to live with Marisol. He hated not knowing what was going to happen in the future.

Jackson's parents found out when he wrote a note to them about running away.

pg. 229-235


Name two places Jackson mentioned where you could get free food.

The bank

farmer's market

grocery stores

hardware store


community food pantry

the restaurant where Jackson's mom worked


Who was Finian?

How did Jackson find out about him?

Finian was the imaginary friend of Jackson's dad.

Crenshaw told Jackson about Finian.

pg. 220-221, 244


According to an article Jackson read, when do imaginary friends appear?

According to the article, imaginary friends appear during times of STRESS.


Fill in the blank for Crenshaw's description of imaginary friends:

Imaginary friend are like ______________.

Imaginary friends are like books.

pg. 222


During the yard sale, a man offered to buy something Jackson's family hadn't planned on selling.

What was it? How did it end up helping Jackson's family?

A man wanted to but the guitar that belonged to Jackson's dad.

When Jackson's dad called the man later, he was able to get a job offer and a free apartment to use for a month.
