This type of suture is used to close skin incisions.
*Monofilament & Absorbable*
What is Poliglecaprone 25?
The risk of an accreta in patients with no prior CD and a current placenta previa.
What is 3.3%?
A 28YO presents with 2-year history of AUB. You order the pelvic ultrasound and review the results with her. After review, you recommend proceeding with a HSC myomectomy. Which FIGO classification of fibroids could this patient have?
*Include all*
What is FIGO 0, 1, 2?
A patient presents with Stage IB2 cervical cancer. This is recommended as the next step in management.
What is radical hysterectomy and node sampling?
A 58-year-old stress-continent woman has a body mass index and stage III pelvic organ prolapse. She undergoes an open supracervical hysterectomy and sacrocolpopexy. The surgery is done in the dorsal lithotomy position. On POD#1 she falls trying to get out of bed. Upon your exam, notice that she has an absent patellar reflex.
What is the femoral nerve?
A 29YO G1P0 presents at 39w6d in active labor. She delivers precipitously and a 2nd-degree laceration is noted. Which type of suture do you use to repair the laceration?
*Absorbable & Multifilament*
What is polyglactin?
The risk of an accreta in patients with 4 prior CD and a current placenta previa.
What is 67%?
During a difficult TLH, you note that there is a defect at the dome of the bladder. The defect is 1 cm. How do you proceed?
What is drainage for 7-10 days?
What is surgical repair?
A patient undergoes BSO for right adnexal mass. The frozen result is mucinous ovarian carcinoma. This procedure should also be done.
What is an appendectomy?
The pelvic floor has "this many levels" of support.
What is 3?
You are on your gyn onc rotation and just completed your first abd hyst - yay! After copious irrigation, the surgical field is noted to be hemostatic. You fellow asks you which type of suture is used to close the fascia.
*Absorbable & Monofilament*
What is polyglyconate?
A 30YO G4P3 presents for a scheduled cesarean delivery at 37w0d for FGR. Following delivery of the baby, placenta is noted to be densely adherent and invading into the myometrium. Brisk bleeding is noted. This procedure is recommended given her diagnosis.
What is a hysterectomy?
Ureteral stents are recommended if this area of the bladder is injured.
What is the trigone?
Defined as an optimal cytoreduction.
Tumor burden < 1 cm
While operating on your urogyn rotation, you are asked to identify this structure in the presacral space during a sacrocolpopexy?
Middle Sacral Artery
A 36YO G6P5 presents to the PEC with contractions. She has a hx of 5 prior cesareans including 1 classical. During her case, you encounter significant adhesions and enterotomy is noted. You call for this suture to repair the enterotomy.
*Non-absorable and Multifilament*
What is silk?
A G6P4 presents for scheduled repeat cesarean delivery. Atony is noted after closure of the hysterotomy. Multiple uterotonics are administered; however, the uterus continues to be atonic. This resident recommends this procedure to provide compression to the uterus.
What is a B-lynch?
Bowel prep is recommended for patients undergoing major abdominal or colorectal surgery.
What is false?
41YO woman under radical TAH & pelvic LND for early-stage cervical cancer. While ligating the second uterine pedicle at its origin, control of the first is lost and uncontrolled bleeding ensues. Ligating this vessel is the best way to control the hemorrhage.
What is the internal iliac??
A patients presents to you for a work-up of infertility. Her HSG results are below. You recommend this procedure prior to starting fertility treatment.
What is a bilateral salpingecgtomy?
Following extensive adhesiolysis during a repeat cesarean delivery #7, you noticed that the serosa continues to bleed with vicryl. You call for this type of suture next.
*Non-absorbable and Monofilament*
What is polypropylene?
A G1P0 at 39w6d undergoes pCD for failed eIOL. EFW of the baby was 4200 g. Following delivery of the neonate, brisk aterial bleeding is noted at the left corner of the hysterotomy. This procedure involves ligating the uterine artery to control bleeding.
What is an O'Leary stitch?
What is a bowel resection?
19YO with a right adnexal mass. Frozen grade 1 immature teratoma. You recommend this procedure.
RSO, Pelvic and Para-aortic LND, partial omentectomy, peritoneal biopsies and pelvic washings.
A patients presents for HSG as part of her workup for secondary infertility. Which antibiotic should she be given, if anything?