What are the top 2 languages spoken in the USA?
English and Spanish
Name 3 livestock or animals that are eaten for nutrition?
Cows, Pigs, Chickens, Fish, Duck, etc
What continent is Canada in?
North America
Name 2 ways that a person could be labeled as someone with disabilities
Visually impaired, hearing impaired, handicapped, in a wheelchair, on crutches, mental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, veterans etc
How many states are in the US?
Is it easier to learn a language when you’re younger or older?
What type of fruit is a plantain?
What 3 colors are in the flag of Puerto Rico?
Red, White and Blue
Name one way you could help someone with a disability
Hold the door open, help them with groceries, help them across the street, etc
Name 5 different cultures that you see in America?
Spanish, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Russian, Italian, French, German, Chinese, Korean
What does ASL stand for? The official language of the Deaf
American Sign Language
What country did Sushi originate from?
Name a country that starts with the first letter of your teammates names!
E- Ecuador, Egypt
K- Korea
D- Denmark, Dominican
J- Japan
What disability is disabled in the universal handicapped sign? (Hint: it's painted on handicapped parking spots!)
Limited to a wheelchair
Name one Native American tribe that resides in America
Cherokee, Maya or Yucatec, Aztecs, Navajo, and Sioux
What is the most common spoken language in the world?
Name 2 fruits that have a Pit in the middle
Plum, Avocado, Peach, Cherry
By size, what is the biggest country in the world?
What is the language that visually impaired or people who are blind would use to read?
How many stripes and how many stars are on the American flag?
13 stripes, 50 stars
Say “hello” in 3 different languages
Hello, Hola, Ciao, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Ni Hau
What is the most common food in the world?
Name all 7 continents
North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, Antarctica
Who was the woman who was known for being both deaf and blind and later in life became a famous author?
Helen Keller
What is the smallest and biggest state in the US?
Smallest- Rhode Island
Biggest- Alaska