This justification defense allows an individual to use violence to stop a violent attack against them.
What is self-defense?
This person participate before or during the commission of a crime committed by another person.
What is an accomplice?
When two or more people agree to commit a crime together and take overt steps in furtherance of that crime.
What is conspiracy?
This is the only crime for which a person can receive the death penalty, at least at the State level.
What is First Degree Murder?
Unlawful entry or remaining on the property of another.
What is criminal trespass?
These laws allow a person to defend themselves where they are with no duty to retreat.
What are stand your ground laws?
Under this legal principal, an employer can be liable for the criminal actions of their employee.
What is Vicarious Liability?
Just asking someone to commit a crime can be enough under this legal principal.
What is solicitation?
This element is present in First Degree Murder, but not Second Degree Murder.
What is premeditation?
This common law crime of taking and carrying away the property of another with intent to permanently deprive the owner is now included in modern definition of theft.
What is Larceny?
This excuse defense applies when a person was forced to commit a crime under threat of violence.
This person didn't commit the underlying crime, but they do help cover it up.
What is an accessory?
This is the name of the legislative act we call by its acronym, RICO.
What is the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act?
This mens rea element is required in all murder and manslaughter charges, except involuntary manslaughter.
What is malice aforethought?
Larceny plus force summarizes this crime.
What is robbery?
When a police officer pressures or persuades me to commit a crime, I can claim this defense.
What is entrapment?
These two words are used to describe the necessary actions of an accomplice.
A pattern of illegal acts in furtherance of an enterprise.
Murder plus adequate provocation: sound like the description of this crime.
What is Intentional Manslaughter?
This crime is defined as obtaining property by material misrepresentation.
What is fraud?
This test for insanity is used by the Model Penal Code.
What is the Substantial-Capacity Test?
This Latin phrase is used to summarize the concept that the master is liable for acts of the agent performed in furtherance of the masters business.
What is Respondeat Superior?
This defense to the charge of attempt argues that a defendants actions do not meet the elements of the crime even though they intended to commit a crime.
What is legal impossibility?
This type of homicide includes extreme recklessness and as one jurisdiction put it "an abandoned and malignant heart." It also sound like the name of an Emo band from the 2010's.
What is depraved heart murder?
When you know or should have known that you accepted the products of theft you commit this crime.
What is receiving stolen property?