Elements of a Crime
Defenses to Criminal Homicide
Criminal Homicide
Crimes Against the Person
Crimes Against the Government
The state of mind a criminal has while attempting to commit a crime.
What is Criminal Intent
The Defense has the burden of proving any defenses that may be offered and the evidence supports the fact(s) in question.
What is Preponderance of the evidence
A killing that is intentional but carries no evil intent and is permitted by law.
What is Justifiable Homicide
Unlawful attacks upon others for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury.
What is Aggravated Assault
False statements made willfully and knowingly under oath in a judicial proceeding.
What is Perjury
Direct evidence such as eyewitness testimony of facts other than those for which proof is needed but from which deductions of inferences may be drawn concerning the facts in dispute.
What is Circumstantial Evidence
A defense arguing that a defendant would not have committed a criminal act if he or she had possessed accurate knowledge of the law or the facts.
What is Mistake
A predetermined and intentional unjustified killing of another human being.
What is murder
Name two elements of Robbery.
What is 1.A tresspassory taking 2.A carrying Away 3.Of the personal property 4.Of another 5.With the intent to steal
Interference with the orderly processes of the civil and criminal courts.
What is Obstruction of Justice.
Consensual sexual relations with an underage person.
What is Statutory Rape
A condition in which an individual is coerced or induced by the wrongful act of another to commit a criminal act.
What is Duress
Name two elements of Murder.
What is 1. There must be an unlawful act committed by a human being. 2.The act must be accompanied by the requisite mens rea. 3.The act must be the legal cause of the victims death. 4.The victim must be a living human being. 5.Death must occur within a reasonable period.
The act of penetrating sexually another person without consent.
What is Forcible Rape
Procuring someone to commit perjury.
What is Subornation of Perjury
Facts surrounding a crime that are considered to be apart of that crime and that must be proved, along with elements of the crime.
What is Attendant Circumstances
Known as the right-versus-wrong test of insanity.
What M'Naghten Rule
An unlawful killing of a person that occurs wile attempting to commit or while committing another felony.
What is Felony Murder
Physical and other forms of harm, including death, on members of the family. (i.e. spouse, children, parents)
What is Domestic Violence
The offering, gibing, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence action by public officials.
What is Bribery
Name four elements of crime.
What is 1. A Criminal Act 2. A Criminal state of mind 3. Concurrence of a criminal act and a criminal state of mind 4. Causation
A defense that a defendant was induced by a government agent to commit a crime that the defendant would not have been inclined to commit without such inducement.
What is Entapment
A killing that would be murder except that it was committed in the heat of passion for which there is a reasonable explanation or excuse.
What is Voluntary Manslaughter
Violence toward a current or former spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend.
What is Intimate Partner Violence.
Willful and unlawful behavior by public officials in the course of their official duties.
What is Official Misconduct in Office